Norway to the Americas (2024)


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Jul 19, 2003
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  • Mar 18, 2021
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  • #1

I am not an expert at colonization mechanics so I have some questions. Essentially, I started as Norway with the goal of colonizing and eventually creating a North American super state. I have colonized several provinces in the Americas and a colonial nation has formed in the Thirteen Colonies areas.

However, I believe Canada, Louisiana etc. will be separate colonial nations? How do I create a superstrate there and play as that? I don't care about Norway proper and ideally want to give it to a vassal. I guess I can create Iceland as a vassal but can I give it all of Norway? I cant move capitals because it says my capital area has to be isolated.

Also, colonial nations also colonize on their own so might not want to lose out on that.

Not sure how these mechanics work TBH. Whats the best way? (I am free of Denmark btw)

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Mar 22, 2014
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  • Mar 18, 2021
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  • #2

To create a super state of just one colonial nation across multiple colonial regions you would need your Thirteen Colonies colonial nation to either conquer or colonise those provinces themselves.

To convince them to colonise those provinces themselves you can:
* help them colonise any remaining uncolonised provinces in the Thirteen Colonies region (so that they will sooner be able to start colonising outside of their region)
* into subject interactions select the option "Block settlement growth" to stop them from using their colonists on development and to force them to colonise
* provide them subsidies (if they struggle to earn enough money) to help with colonising (since you don't care about your original nation you can take out loans?)

To convince them to conquer those provinces you can:
* (if you have Exploration or Espionage ideas) make claims on provinces neighbouring your colonial nation and transfer them to that nation through subject interactions
* through subject interactions you can make them declare war on a nation themselves with the claims they have which is especially helpful if the enemy is another colonial nation because neither colonial masters are brought into this type of war (as long as you use the subject interaction)
** do keep in mind that this subject interaction only works on other colonial nations or unreformed native nations
* if the enemy is a native nation and you are not worried about who joins the war, then you can make the war declaration yourself and give them the provinces in the peace deal

If you started a new game from scratch again, one strategy you can go about to not have to worry about colonial nations would be to start by colonising Greenland and then transferring your capital to there before you make any other colonies. Since Greenland is on the North America continent but not in a colonial region you don't have to worry about the rules of changing your capital and none of your colonies in the New World will become colonial nations anymore (they will all go directly to your control). This means that you get to keep Norway and all your colonies in the New World directly under your control.

As an additional note, no, you wouldn't be able to transfer Norway to your vassal Iceland as they wouldn't be able to core any of your provinces (outside of coring range). You could sell all of Norway to your neighbours, but I wouldn't advise this personally other than for roleplay perhaps.


Supreme Commander

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Jul 19, 2003
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  • Mar 18, 2021
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  • #3

PyroMegaManZ said:

If you started a new game from scratch again, one strategy you can go about to not have to worry about colonial nations would be to start by colonising Greenland and then transferring your capital to there before you make any other colonies. Since Greenland is on the North America continent but not in a colonial region you don't have to worry about the rules of changing your capital and none of your colonies in the New World will become colonial nations anymore (they will all go directly to your control). This means that you get to keep Norway and all your colonies in the New World directly under your control.

As an additional note, no, you wouldn't be able to transfer Norway to your vassal Iceland as they wouldn't be able to core any of your provinces (outside of coring range). You could sell all of Norway to your neighbours, but I wouldn't advise this personally other than for roleplay perhaps.

Wow, Greenland is OP. I am gonna do that.

But I do lose out on my colonial nations colonizing though. So that's 6-8 less colonists working for my Empire right?


Field Marshal

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  • #4

If you have the Conquest of Paradise expansion, you can select to play as your colonial nation when you grant them independence(with the button at the bottom of the subjects tab). In that case you would want to grow your 13 colonies CN before you eventually play as them. If you have the Cossacks DLC, you can grant provinces to your CN with a subject interaction and you can use that to grant them provinces in different colonial regions. If you already have a CN in the other region, you have to grant the province on the day on which the colony finishes, because it will automatically go to the CN of that region after one day.

An alternative to playing as a CN is to move your capital to a colonial region, because you won't form any colonial nations if your capital is in any colonial region. The best way to do that is normally to first move the capital to a province on a different continent which is the only province in its state that you own and which doesn't border any of your other provinces. As long as this intermediate capital is your only stated province on its continent, you can move your capital to the new world afterwards. Good candidates for this intermediate capital are usually the african islands(cape verde, sao tome, st. helena), Falklands or South Georgia(if you want to move to north america), Bermuda or Greenland(if you want to move to south america). Another way would be to give away the land around your capital and unstate all other provinces in europe.

Another alternative would be to move the capital to a province in America which is not in a colonial region(Bermuda, Greenland, Falklands, South Georgia or Galapagos). This prevents colonial nations on the same continent, but it doesn't prevent colonial nations on other continents(e.g. a capital in Greenland prevents CNs in North America, but doesn't prevent CNs in South America)

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Willem IV


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  • #5

I would suggest to colonise four provinces in Canada and 4 in Eastern America, then move your capital. If memory serves me right, you will even keep the South American provinces, as long as you have a land connection to them. Seems that you have to move first to Greenland, and then to America proper.

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Oct 17, 2009
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  • Mar 19, 2021
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  • #6

Panthera_Tigris said:

Wow, Greenland is OP. I am gonna do that.

But I do lose out on my colonial nations colonizing though. So that's 6-8 less colonists working for my Empire right?

Yes, your colonies won't exist as separate nations so they won't do any colonising of their own. Also you would miss out on extra merchants from having colonies with 10+ provinces.

Greenland may not be as OP as you might have thought...



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  • #7

Blizzrd33 said:

Yes, your colonies won't exist as separate nations so they won't do any colonising of their own. Also you would miss out on extra merchants from having colonies with 10+ provinces.

Greenland may not be as OP as you might have thought...

It is true that outside of roleplaying, it is far more beneficial to have multiple colonial nations of ten provinces or so all in areas with trade nodes feeding into your home node. This way you get huge trade steering, trade efficiency and trade power buffs, as well as an extra free merchant and what basically amounts to ten free light ships (if you so desire) to transfer trade power to your home node. Your colonial nations will also use their own ships and merchants to gain trade power in relevant trade nodes which they transfer half of their power to you.

The only real negative to colonial nations is all the tax and production income you miss out on, but as the game progresses trade income is by far the most influential for wealth.

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Norway to the Americas (2024)
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