A Chemical X-Quirk - Chapter 22 - ChiWriters (2024)

Chapter Text

-Semi-Final, round Two: Todoroki Shoto vs Izuku Midoriya-

The last match ended with Bakugou being carried off to Recovery Girl’s office. Not much was known about what happened next, they say that when he woke up, he was less than pleased to lose to a ‘Damn wannabe hero bitch,’ to put it lightly. There was a short break again, and Izuku took full advantage of it; leaving to go and strategize what he could do for the match ahead. Todoroki was not one to be taken likely, that was coupled with his proficient use of his ice quirk. He also knows about the guy’s reluctance to use his fire side.

“…If I go all out, using more than I can handle of One For All, I would be putting myself at risk. Fighting Todoroki won’t be easy, but the fact of the matter is that…” Izuku muttered to himself. Gears turning in his mind, at the cross roads he was met by.

In the room next to Izuku, Todoroki sat there silently, his gaze fixed on the floor as he mulled over his upcoming match with Midoriya. ‘Midoriya, even if you have been trained by All Might himself. I will not lose to you,’, and he couldn’t afford to underestimate him. Not again. But there was something else nagging at the back of his mind, something he couldn’t quite shake off. Or rather, some words that wouldn’t leave his mind.

Just then, Midnight entered the room, her presence commanding attention. “Todoroki, it’s time for your match,” she announced formally, gesturing for him to follow her to the arena. Out of the room, he was met with a determined looking Izuku. They exchange, what could be deemed as competitive glares, before they marched to their respective entrances. As Izuku took a breath, steadying his nerves. He walked straight out on to the arena.

“Look guys!” Bubbles said, calling her classmates to attention.

“ALRIGHT EVERYONE, THE SHOW CAN BEGIN!” Present Mic excitedly announced, as the two contestants stepped out into the arena, on opposite sides, the crowd’s cheers washed over them, but Izuku barely registered it. All he could focus on was the ice-cold determination in Todoroki’s eyes as they locked onto his own.

“BEGIN!” As Midnight's announcement reverberated through the stadium, signalling the commencement of the match.

Todoroki wasted no time in launching a relentless assault of ice shards at his opponent. But Izuku, ever the strategic thinker, countered with a swift activation of One For All, channelling its power into a powerful punch that shattered the incoming attack with a resounding force. ‘Yes! It worked.” He mentally celebrated.

The surprise on Todoroki's face was fleeting, replaced almost instantaneously by a steely resolve as he straightened himself, “Impressive. But not going to be enough,” ready to face whatever challenges his opponent threw his way. And challenges came aplenty as Izuku, drawing upon his extensive training and tactical prowess, unleashed a flurry of moves designed to test the limits of Todoroki's abilities.

The battlefield became a whirlwind of motion as Izuku incorporated a variety of techniques, including using his powers to increase his durability, agility, strength and speed; proving each move executed with precision and finesse. But Todoroki proved to be a formidable adversary, evading and countering Izuku's attacks with a calculated grace that belied his inner turmoil.

“What’s this? Just looking to play games?” Todoroki glared at his opponent, sending a barrage of ice shards his way.

“Not at all.” Izuku replied. He distributed the power; he raised his feet, and with a slam, sends out a shockwave. It was enough to shake the others attack, causing it to lose speed and fall apart.

“Wow. Izuku seems to be in the zone, huh?” Bubbles commented.

“Yeah.” Koda meekly agreed.

“In the zone? He is killing it!” Buttercup acknowledged with a shout.

As the battle raged on, Todoroki's composure began to waver, his frustration bubbling to the surface in a torrent of biting remarks directed at Izuku's perceived reliance on cheap tactics. But Izuku, undeterred by his opponent's taunts, pressed forward with unwavering resolve, his conviction unwavering in the face of adversity.

"You think you can win with these cheap tricks, Midoriya?" Todoroki sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

Izuku swiftly raised his arms to block another barrage of ice shards, using his forearms and elbows to deflect the blows. "It's not about winning with tricks," he replied, his tone steady despite the intensity of the battle. "It's about using every tool at my disposal to overcome any obstacle."

Todoroki's eyes narrowed, his frustration growing palpable. "You talk a big game, but you're just like all the others," he retorted, launching another wave of attacks. "Treating this like a joke."

Izuku gritted his teeth as he deflected the incoming ice. With a quick step to the side, he narrowly avoided a particularly sharp shard aimed at his head. "I may not have your power, Todoroki, but I'll never back down from a challenge," he shot back, determination flashing in his eyes.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Izuku seized upon the opportunity to confront Todoroki about his reluctance to unleash his full power, a topic that had plagued their interactions throughout the festival.

The two opponents continued to trade blows, each exchange fuelled by their own inner struggles and convictions. Izuku's relentless assault pushed Todoroki to his limits, while Todoroki's refusal to use his full power only fuelled Izuku's determination to break through his defences.

"You're holding back, Todoroki!" Izuku shouted, his voice echoing through the arena. "You're afraid to face your own strength because you're afraid of becoming like your father!"

Todoroki's expression hardened, a flicker of anger crossing his features. "You don't know anything about me, Midoriya," he spat, his voice tinged with anger. "I won't let you or anyone else dictate how I use my power!" He shot icicle spears. Izuku shot another controlled shockwave to cancel it out.

With each strike and parry, Izuku pushed Todoroki to confront the shadows that haunted him, to break free from the shackles of his past and embrace the full extent of his potential.

But Todoroki, stubborn and proud, remained steadfast in his refusal to yield to Izuku's demands, delivering a speech reminiscent of the one he had given in the canon. His words echoed with a haunting familiarity, a reflection of the inner turmoil that raged within him, threatening to consume him whole.

Despite the intensity of their confrontation, blows were exchanged, each strike leaving its mark upon the combatants. Izuku's frustration reached a boiling point as he accused Todoroki of dishonouring their match with his half-hearted efforts, his words striking a chord within the bi-coloured prodigy.

In the stands, Blossom watched with bated breath, her thoughts mirroring the concern etched upon her face. "He is still not listening to himself," she mused, her gaze fixed upon Todoroki's resolute form as he battled against the demons that plagued him.

As the battle reached its zenith, both combatants stood on the precipice of exhaustion, their bodies battered and bruised from the intensity of their clash. Izuku's voice rang out above the din of battle, a cry of defiance against the shadows that threatened to engulf them both.

"You are not your father! Stop hiding in his shadow!" Izuku's words cut through the air like a blade, striking a chord within Todoroki's fractured soul. Memories of his past battles, of his mother's words and his father's legacy, flooded his mind, threatening to overwhelm him.

But amidst the chaos, amidst the echoes of his past, he could not forget the words that were whispered to him in battle.

"You're not your father, Todoroki. Don't let his shadow consume you. Your power is yours to wield, not his. Your mother wouldn't want you to deny who you are." Blossom's voice echoed within Todoroki's mind. “…but you won’t be healed if that shadow continues to consume you.” Those words, as if it broke down his resolve. It was enough to unlock the cage gates that had been set up, to trap away that which he had hated for so long.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Todoroki unleashed his flames in a dazzling display of power, catching Izuku off guard with the intensity of his assault. "You wanted to face my flames?! Then here! Let me prove to you that I am in no one’s shadow!" Todoroki's voice boomed with authority as he unleashed a combination of barrage of ice and a blast of fire, reminiscent of the infernos that had consumed his childhood, pouring fourth; until they soon overlapped.

“YES SHOTO!” The audience attention was drawn over to see Todoroki’s father, who seems to be revelling in what’s to come, “You have finally accepted your purpose! Good, that’s perfect!” A sinister smile plastered on his face, as he marched down the stairs, getting closer so his voice should reach his son. “This is the dawn of a new era for us! You will indeed be my masterpiece, my blood following through your veins! A symbol of that which will be greater than ever before!” Many were confused by the man’s rant, while some did not like the intent behind those words.

“Something tells me, that guy is going to be trouble in the future.” Buttercup noted, her sisters could not help but agree to the statement.

Reacting with lightning reflexes, Izuku activated 9% of One For All, channelling its power into a desperate attempt to withstand Todoroki's onslaught. But the clash of this powers proved overwhelming, sending shockwaves rippling through the arena.

Amidst the tumultuous blast of unhinged power, the audience was swept up in a whirlwind of emotions. "Whoa, those flames are insane!" Kaminari's voice rang out in astonishment, his words barely audible over the din of the crowd.

"And Izuku facing that head on?! That’s crazy!" Sero's eyes widened, before he had to shield them, due to the backlash of the opposing powers.

All Might, his usual confidence momentarily faltering, watched with a mixture of concern and admiration. "Todoroki's flames... They're powerful beyond belief. But young Midoriya…was this planned to get him to get Todoroki to use his flames?”

As the dust settled and the echoes of their battle faded into silence.

“WHAT HAPPENED JUST NOW?! WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH YOUR STUDENTS?!” Present Mic said, he was literally knocked off his seat by the sheer sound of the shockwave.

“The air around the ring had been thoroughly cooled down and then rapidly expanded when heated up.” Aizawa spoke calmly.

“WHAT?! THAT’S INSANE! TALK ABOUT A SCIENCE LESSON GONE WRONG! I WONDER WHO WON THOUGH!” Present Mic inquired, looking down at the stage.

Looking down the stage, it was noticed that Izuku was lying on the field, several feet away from the stage, unconscious. Dubbing Todoroki as the only man standing, his clothes tattered and singed but nevertheless the winner.

“There, Midoriya is…out of bounds! Todoroki advances to the finals!” Midnight announced with a crack of her whip.

The crowd erupted into thunderous applause as Todoroki stood in a daze, his gaze fixed upon his fallen competitor, then to his left side. He didn’t know how he was supposed to feel. Years of maintaining his promise, only to break it, because of his wavering conviction.

As paramedics rushed to attend to the fallen competitors, the audience watched with bated breath, their emotions swirling with a mixture of awe and concern. Todoroki left, entering through the way he came. He was still in a daze, he did not care that the left side of his shirt was practically gone.

“I see that you have finally abandoned your childish rebellion.” Todoroki stopped in his tracks, facing the man with a blank stare. “What, not going to tell me to go away? In any case, now that you have finally seen reason, we can focus on what’s important.” The man smirked triumphantly. “Now that you have changed your attitude, we can work on perfecting your fire side. When you graduate, you will come work with me and achieve the goals we have before us.”

“I have not abandoned anything.” That comment was enough to quickly wipe the man’s smirk off his face. “And it is quite foolish of you to think my feelings can be swayed so easily.” He said, as he looked to his left hand, remembering a certain someone. “When I was busy fighting out there…I forgot about you, but…remembered her instead.” That made Endeavor’s eyes widen and gasp.

“I don’t know if that’s good or bad. Or it was the right thoughts to have, I don’t know.” He walked past the man, as he managed to glance at his son in silence. “All I do know is, maybe I don’t need you.” With that, he left.

The roar of the crowd reverberated throughout all of the halls of the stadium, but it still fell on death ears to Tenya Iida. Moments ago, he slipped away to answer a pressing call that he had been waiting to come through. He expected his brother to be the one to call, but was pleasantly surprised to see his mother’s name on the screen.

But the conversation that followed was anything but pleasant or expected, in the least.

“Oh, hello Mother. I am surprised to get your call. I am sorry to say that I-”

“…Iida! You have to get out here now! Get on a train to Hosu, right now!”

That immediately caused a shiver to run down Iida’s spine, never once hearing such terror in his mother’s tone. “What’s the matter? What happened?” Already his voice was shaking.

“Y-your brother, Tensei…he was injured fighting a villain. He is in the hospital and the doctor said that it is bad. Please, when you can, come over!” That was all Iida heard, before the call dropped and he was left in utter shock and disbelief. His mind was working at a thousand miles a second, and even at that, he could not make sense of what could have happened to his older brother

An hour earlier

"Come on buddy, stay with us!"

“sh*t, how long was he here until they found him!? There's so much blood!"

The two paramedics scrambled as they lifted Tensei's still body off the ground and onto the stretcher, their eyes wide by the large pool of blood beneath his armor. "sh*t, we have a deep laceration to his back. Serious condition and needs stabalizing." One of them shouted.

"Hurry and call the ER. Tell them we have a critical coming in hot!"

The other medics and police there kept the gathering crowd back as they hurried and slipped Tensei into the open ambulance doors. They pulled his helmet off revealing is ghostly pale face, sweating as they put the oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. "Come on man, don't you quit on us! We are almost there!"

The panic and the shouts below kept the crowds distracted from the single figure overlooking the scene, his red eyes locked onto the ground from his high perch above. He couldn't' help but grin as he brought his sword up, his long tongue licking a section of his blade clean of blood.

"You haven't even noticed it, have you? This warped society is mired by hypocrisy and vanity. That's fine, I'll open your eyes "heroes". I'll make you see the world you created." he said to himself, sighing out in annoyance the people couldn't open their minds and see the big picture. He would just have to continue to work then.

He then sensed a sensation behind him, swiping his sword backwards but didn't hit anything. The killer looked back with a raised eyebrow to the shifting black mist behind himself, watching as the cloud shifted up and revealed two yellow eyes.

"Don't be alarmed…" Kurogiri said as he materialized. "We are the league of villains, and we have been admiring your work, hero killer. We have a proposition for you."

Alone in front of his computer, Shigaraki scratched his neck several times as he peered through the hand attached to his face. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the partial image of the man Kurogiri was locating, the picture only capturing part of his body before target disappeared into the shadows.

"The hero killer… Stain."


After the match, before Buttercup had to go for her final match, they girls decided to check on Izuku and see if he was alright. They took the opportunity to discuss the last match.

“Wasn’t that so cool?! The way the battle turned and created such a blast!” Bubbles exclaimed.

“Yeah, it was certainly eventful.” Blossom noted. If she was being honest, she was shocked at the energy output that Todoroki gave off. She had a feeling that just like his ice powers, his flames were also strong.

“It sucks that green bean lost to candy cane head. I was sure he would pound the guy’s ego down a notch.” Buttercup said, rolling her eyes at the thought.

“I know. I hope that Izuku is not feeling too bad about the loss. He was training so hard for this.” Bubbles commented, sad for her friend.

Blossom nodded, “Well, it is what is, and we can’t change that. At the very least, he is in the top four and…”

“Ranking above Bakugou.” Buttercup and Bubbles said with a glint of enthusiasm.

“Exactly.” Blossom said with an amused tone. They broke out into giggles, even Buttercup could not help the smile on her face.

“Alright…oh yeah, forgot to give you props on your plan Bloss. Worked well, given the situation I was in.” Buttercup said with a shrug.

“Naturally, my plans are genius. Wouldn’t want you to destroy the whole arena with that short fuse of yours, huh?” The smugness alone would boil the girl’s blood over, but her snide comment was a tipping point.

“Speaking of ego, I’m surprised your head can manage to contain your massive ego, huh ‘humble’ leader,” Buttercup said in her mocking sweet voice.

Before there was anything else to be said, they reached the medical room and Iida stepped out and walked towards them.

Bubbles kindly greeted. “Oh hey Iida, how are-” But the boy just walked passed them, as if they were not even there.

“Hmm, that seems uncharacteristic of Iida,” Blossom noted.

“I think it fits him perfectly. Mr stick up his ass, always had a chip on his shoulder.” Buttercup said, not caring very much.

“Guys, I sensed he was feeling bad.” Bubbles said, worried at her senses.

“I think we will get our answers when he gets inside,” Blossom said as they all walked forward.

Once they reached the door, they opened it to find Recovery Girl sitting in her chair. Izuku covered up in some bandages on his head and arms, while a familiar skinny man from earlier, seemed to be in a discussion with him.

Recovery Girl was the first to notice them. “Ah, girls. I see you have come to check on your friend?” That got the man to silence and both him and Izuku to take notice of the guests.

“Yes ma’am, we have,” Blossom spoke on behalf of them.

She nodded. “I see. Well, unlike the last time, he has not sustained any serious injuries. He did have a slight concussion from the impact due to the shockwave, but his quirk seemed to give him enough endurance to handle it. I am glad that he was thinking this time and not willing to break his bones to get through to his friend.” She said, and that piqued Blossom’s interest.

“Hello, girls. It is nice to meet you again. I am just a visitor of Young Midoriya.” Yagi waved friendly at the girls.

The girls reciprocated the action. “I saw your matches and I am impressed with some of your works. However I still think you have a long way to go before you can actually go in heroism. Some of your tactics in the battle could have been cleaner or more calm. And you young girl, I had a sense that your fights were a little bit too much flash for me.” He said, directing his gaze at Buttercup.

“Thank you… asked no one.” Buttercup grumbled the last part under her breath. While the other girls were a little bit ticked to say the least, but tried not to show it. Instead to put on a smile.

He nodded. “Well, I should get going. He seems to be doing fine.” He turned to face his successor one more time. “Take care kid, and remember what I said about putting more training in those attacks. They do have potential, just focus more.”

“Yes sir,” Izuku replied. And so he left, closing the door behind him.

“Why I oughta…” Buttercup trailed off, till Recovery Girl stepped in.

“Anyway, don’t seem so hurt kids. His sort of a coach and he will give his advice, even when it doesn’t make sense.” That got the raven-haired one to roll her eyes, “Yeah, whatever.”

“Hey Izuku, we wanted to congratulate you on your last match. It was one of your bests.” Blossom complemented.

“Yeah green bean, I loved how you gave a few hits into the guy before you were knocked out,” Buttercup said with a tinge of pride.

Izuku didn’t respond, aside from a nod. “Izuku, what’s wrong? Is it because of the battle?” Bubbles asked, sensing his sadness.

“Um, i-it’s just…” He trailed off.

“Oh, you can tell your friends, young man. There is reason to not feel nervous.” Recovery Girl said compassionately.

Like that, Izuku let some tears fall down his cheeks. He was trying his hardest to not look like a mess, putting on a brave face.

“Yo man, what’s the big deal?!” Buttercup asked, confused at the waterworks. Bubbles went up to him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, and as if a calming effect had washed over him. “Just tell us Izuku, we’re your friends.” Bubbles reassured him. He looked up at her and then the others, calming down.

“Well, I lost…and I wanted to show the world that I was here, you know? I feel like a failure…and failed in front of my coach…” Izuku trailed off, his tears slowing down but still visible.

“Izuku-” Buttercup stopped anyone from talking, as she went over to his bed. “Green bean…” Izuku could barely look at her, but when he did, he saw an unreadable face. “Why the heck are you crying?” She asked as if she didn’t pay attention.

“Buttercup!” Bubbles admonished her.

“No, I want to know, ‘cause the guy here had plenty of things to cry about when the school year started. But look at him now. Someone who placed third spot in the whole f*cking Sports Festival and he should be feeling bad?!” She turned her head to Izuku.

“Look Izuku, you lost and it sucks, yeah. But you should be proud of yourself, like geez pal. You trained and fought hard to get here. Stop downplaying your achievements and get the f*ck up! There are many more chances to kick some ass and scream your name to those stuffy hero jerks. Not talking about you granny.”

“I would certainly hope not!” Recovery Girl warned.

“Look, of course, not everyone is as awesome as me to reach the finals,” Buttercup added. ‘Seriously, this is the same girl who talked about my ego?’ Blossom mentally groaned. “You did awesome, pal. So don’t go crying on me, or else the next training session, I will give you something to cry about.” She said with a smirk that proved she wasn’t lying.

Izuku heard everything she said and he could only mentally slap himself. He was doubting himself and downplaying his achievements, like crossing second place at the race, gathering one of the top 2 positions in the game of capture the flags, and now he came in third place out of a thousand contestants here at Sports Festival. Why shouldn’t he be proud?

He shook his, looked her in the eye. “You’re right Buttercup. I shouldn’t be too sad about it.” He began to wipe his tears. “It is still a long path till I become the hero I want to be. But as of now, I am growing and making progress with each step I take.” He said with a determined smile on his face.

She nodded. “That’s more like it.”

Bubbles and Blossom looked at each other and smiled. “Wow Buttercup, you really in touch with your sensitive side.” Bubbles openly teased. A ticked sound came from the girl in question. “SHUT UP! Sensitivity is not my thing!”

“And yet, you play it so well,” Blossom said with a smirk.

Buttercup began to crack her knuckles. “Oh, it’s a good thing we are in the medical room if you ladies want to go.” She glared at them.

“Alright, that’s enough. I do not want any roughhousing in my office. You may now leave, your friend will be all right after a short rest, plenty of time before your match.” Recovery Girl explained.

“Oh sh*t!” Thinking that, Buttercup almost forgot about it. “I gotta get my butt over there!” Just like that, she ran out of the medical office, without a word.

Izuku was in a daze at what had happened. Blossom sighed, “Buttercup, that girl is sometimes impossible to deal with.”

“Let’s just hope that Todoroki doesn’t give her any trouble.” Bubbles said.

“Yeah, for his sake,” Blossom added with a small smile. But then she looked at Izuku again. “I hope that Buttercup’s choice of words didn’t hurt you too badly.”

“Oh? No, no, no, I am glad she said that. She was right. I should be happy with myself. I’ll just get stronger and win the next competition that comes around.” Izuku said, his eyes full of determination.

Blossom giggled. “Buttercup and right in the same sentence. Yeah, she will have the biggest ego if you tell her that.” She said with a shake of her head.

That got some giggles from Bubbles and a soft chuckle from Recovery Girl. Before you knew it, Izuku was smiling softly with them all. ‘Yeah. I will get stronger.’ He thought to himself.

“Oh Izuku, there is something we wanted to ask you,” Blossom said the question on her tongue.

Buttercup was running with one thought across to mind. ‘Flashy? Oh, I will show you all flashy.’ She said as she had a devilish grin on her face.

-Finals: Todoroki Shoto vs Buttercup Kayama-

“ALRIGHT FOLKS, IT’S ALMOST THE END OF THE SPORTS FESTIVAL AND THIS WILL BE THE FINAL ROUND! Present Mic announced, excitement pouring out from his voice. The crowd roared in the background, at the long-awaited anticipation of the day. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, waiting for what was to be a battle to end all battles.

“Go Buttercup! You got this!” Bubbles cheered, dressed in a U.A. cheer suit. It wasan orange sleeveless top and short skirt, a pair of shorts to wear underneath the skirt; it had the school initials on the chest and green outlines. She wore a matching choker, a pair of socks, and two Pom poms. Her pigtails had orange ribbons tying them up.

“Bubbles, where did you get that outfit?” Blossom asked baffled.

“Oh, I got it as a souvenir from the gift shop! What do you think, isn’t it cute?” She twirled around happily.

She was about to say something, when her eyes caught the pervy looks from her classmates, more precisely the males. Kaminari and Sero were shamelessly looking at her sister in her outfit. Her protective sister side kicked in. Without missing a beat, she snapped the chairs below them and came falling below with a thud.

She turned to her sister. “It looks really cute, Bubbles.” She said with a small smile. Right then, Izuku came over.

“Oh, Izuku! You’re okay?” Uraraka asked.

He nodded. “I sure am.” He took a second to wave at Blossom and Bubbles, who reciprocated with waves of their own.

“WE’VE GOT TWO SUPER COMPETITORS FOR YOU! FROM HERO COURSE CLASS 1-A, THE ICE AND FIRE PRODIGY, TODOROKI SHOTO!” The crowd erupted into cheers as Todoroki stepped into the arena, his demeanor calm and focused, ice crackling around his right side. “Right. This is it.” He said cooly.

“AND HIS OPPONENT, THE STRONG, FIERCE YOUNG HEROINE, BUTTERCUP KAYAMA!” Another wave of excitement swept through the stadium as Buttercup entered, cracking her knuckles, her confidence shining through her grin. “Oh, this is going to be fun.” She said amused.


“Are both of you ready?” Midnight questioned both of them, looking between the two finalists.

“Yes, Miss Midnight!” Todoroki nodded as he prepared for the match, ice started forming on his right arm.

“You betcha!” Buttercup already knew how to get this party started.

“Final Round, begin the match!” Midnight cracked her whip and both Todoroki and Buttercup sprang into action as the crowd roared in excitement.

Todoroki's right foot stepped forward and immediately unleashed a massive stream of ice forward, Buttercup’s narrowed her eyes as her hands glowed a bright green. "Let’s go, baby!”

A rapid barrage of fists began smashing their way through the incoming blocks of ice in front of her. The black haired teen was laser focused as she chipped away the forming glacier of ice. People could not believe that the girl in the arena was basically fighting against an element and winning. But a few minutes in she was engulfed by a wall of ice almost the size of the one he unleashed on Sero and Blossom earlier, the crowd going silent as the ice fortress stopped moving and engulfed half of the stage.

Many heroes were amazed by the enormous display of power no matter how many times they had seen it, now more impressed than shocked like before. For a single moment they honestly thought this match was over just like the fight with Sero.

That was until they heard the deep blasts. Then heard it again, and again. Each time getting louder.

"What is that?" Tsu croaked out as she eyed the rumbling ice, no one else answering as they knew who was causing the shaking.

A moment later, the audience and class gasped out as a bright green flash erupted from the bottom of the ice mountain and blew out a large chunk of the glacier. Sero's eyes widened as he looked at the smirking Buttercup walking out from the tunnel she just formed. "Woah, she just dug his way through there like some crazy mole girl!"


Todoroki glared in annoyance seeing he didn't end the match right then, the massive attack already causing a few patches of frost on his arm. Buttercup just sent her own glare as well, but not from the large attack, instead from it not having more to it.

"Think it was going to be that easy? Nice try pal!” Buttercup, covered in a green glow, dashed forward through the air right towards Todoroki, flying above the ground and dodging another ice attack. Todoroki readied his right side and threw his hand forward, but before he could connect, Buttercup sent a green beam of energy a short distance from Todoroki’s feet; which caused him to jump out of the way in reflex. “Ha ha! Make you flinch!” As she circled the ring.

Many were impressed by the aerial control she demonstrated. “Why you…?!” He trailed off, forming pillars of ice, that launched in all directions of where she could be going. Buttercup simply took the obstacles in strides, readying her glowing fists; she shattered every one of those pillars with blasts from her hands. While she stayed in the air.

“Why won’t you take this seriously?! She said as he formed a stream of ice spears at the girl. She clasped her hands together, energy forming a ball in between, and launched it at the construct; resulting in a blast, ice shards falling around.

“Chill out pal, just giving a certain somebody a flashy performance.” She said with a cheeky grin. Todoroki didn’t know what she meant by that but didn’t care. He formed an ice ramp, heading towards her, an ice sword at the ready. She decided to send another blast his way, destroying the ice ramp, but he jumped in a split second over her head. She swiped his sword at her back, and luckily she shifted to only her backtrack shirt was sliced; showing some of her skin.

“Okay, now it’s on.” She said menacingly.

The intensity of the final match between Todoroki Shoto and Buttercup Kayama reached a fever pitch as their clash escalated to new heights. The audience was captivated by the dazzling display of power and strategy unfolding before their eyes.

As Buttercup deftly dodged and countered Todoroki's ice attacks with her electrifying maneuvers, the stadium erupted with cheers and gasps of amazement. Bubbles, still clad in her vibrant U.A. cheer uniform, couldn't help but jump and cheer wildly for her sister, her pom-poms swirling in the air with each electrifying move.

Meanwhile, Izuku watched with baited breaths, his eyes glued to the action in the arena. He knew her formidable powers, but seeing Buttercup go toe-to-toe with one of U.A.'s top students was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

Amidst the chaos of the battle, Buttercup's determination was not swayed in the slightest. Despite the relentless barrage of ice spears and other constructs, she remained unfazed, her focus unwavering as she continued to press forward with her own offensive.

Todoroki, for his part, was beginning to feel the pressure as Buttercup's relentless assault pushed him to his limits. Despite his formidable ice abilities, he found himself challenged in ways he hadn't anticipated, forced to adapt to Buttercup's unconventional fighting style. He was tempted to use his firepower, being that it was the finals and he wanted to win and prove his point but…

“Time to bring this home.” She said, as she shot up into the sky like a green rocket.


“What could she be planning?” Blossom asked curiously.

Todoroki was just as lost. Reaching a good distance, she looked down and said, “NOSE DIVE!” She fell face-first down. The audience held their breath as Buttercup plummeted towards the ground, her determined expression never faltering. She unleashed a powerful surge of energy,

Todoroki didn’t know what to make of it, he unleashed all the might he had and created a wall of ice. She saw this and grinned. As she dove straight into the construct, her energy collided with the icy barrier, a deafening roar filled the arena, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The ground trembled beneath their feet as the sheer force of the impact threatened to tear the stadium asunder.

The audience gasped in amazement at the fact that the ice barrier was destroyed to nothing more than pieces surrounding the grounds. As the dust settled and the debris scattered, both Todoroki and Buttercup emerged from the destruction, battered but unbroken. The audience was stunned by the sheer resilience displayed by both competitors, their determination shining through despite the intense battle.

Todoroki, breathing heavily, stretched out his left hand towards Buttercup. She took it as s sign of him wanting to attack, so she began to glow with her own energy; until Todoroki's strength failed him. With a sway, he collapsed onto the floor, drained both physically and mentally from the intense battle.

Buttercup, unfazed by the exhaustion evident in her opponent, simply nodded in acceptance of her victory. The crowd erupted into thunderous cheers, their admiration for the young heroine's triumph echoing throughout the stadium. She waved with the utmost proudest grin she could give.

Among the classmates, there was a mixture of awe and pride. Blossom, her eyes shining with pride, exclaimed, "That's our Buttercup! She did it!"

Bubbles, still in her cheer outfit, cheered even louder, her pom-poms swirling in the air as she cried out, "You go, Buttercup! Woo-hoo!"

Izuku, his expression a mix of awe and admiration, couldn't help but join in, shouting, "Wow, she's incredible! What a fight!"

Present Mic's voice boomed over the cheers of the crowd, his excitement palpable as he delivered the final commentary: "AND THERE YOU HAVE IT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! BUTTERCUP KAYAMA, THE UNDISPUTED CHAMPION OF THIS YEAR'S SPORTS FESTIVAL! WHAT A PERFORMANCE, WHAT A BATTLE! LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR OUR HEROINE!"


Fireworks burst in the air above the UA sports festival as the audience cheered to the rising podium in the center of the field. The trio of students stood on top of the tiered platform, their faces ranging from a nervous grin to a blank face to pumped expression.

Buttercup stood on the first-place platform staring out into a sea of cameras as the media was allowed to get closer for the ceremony. On the second-place platform stood Todoroki, who had a thoughtful, crestfallen expression. People would assume that Todoroki was unhappy about the placements, but it was something more pressing. Standing on the third-place platform was Izuku, who was feeling awkward about the amount of attention he was receiving, but nevertheless smiled his best.

Though what made the experience a bit more awkward was that Bakugou was chained to a pole, in a strait jacket and muzzle, thrashing about like a wild animal. Already he was in a foul mood for having lost to Buttercup, but now he had to share a placement with Izuku and that sent him off. He almost blew the boy’s face off, if Midnight hadn’t intervened, again.

“I wouldn’t want to be Izuku right now.” Bubbles whispered to Blossom’s ear.

She replied with an unamused glance, “I think no one would want to be where Izuku is right now. In more ways than one.”

“Now for the Medals!” Midnight spoke loudly into her microphone. “Presenting them this year is…you know who!”

“I AM…” The familiar voice of the Number One Hero rang out from the top of the arena as he leapt towards the platforms. The excitement of the media spiked as the man landed on the ground before the top finishers of this year’s First Year Sports Festival. “HERE...with the Medals!” All Might declared as he rose to his full height with his signature smile on his face.

“It’s All Might!” Midnight called out with a grin after seeing the blonde man’s entrance.

“The First Years are really something this year! Even All Might came to watch!” One Pro Hero noted as All Might walked up to the third-place platform with two Bronze Medals.

“Young Bakugou…” All Might trailed off, seeing all the ‘precautionary measures’ taken on him. He takes off the muzzle as he addresses the boy. “You've shown tremendous growth and determination throughout this competition! Your explosive spirit and unyielding drive have pushed you to excel, even in the face of adversity!”

“THIS IS BULL! I WAS SUPPOSED TO WIN! BUT I AM IN SHARED THIRD PLACE WITH DEKU OF ALL PEOPLE!” The blonde exploded. That made the buff guy cough, “I see, well that is why we are! To train as heroes and one day reach for the top!” All Might proudly said. Bakugou continued to thrash and yell, even after reluctantly receiving the bronze medal.

"Izuku Midoriya, while your efforts in this competition are commendable, it's clear there's still much room for improvement," he remarked, his tone measured yet firm. "Your determination is admirable, but true heroism requires more than just sheer willpower! Focus on honing your skills and learning from your mistakes, and perhaps next time, you'll find yourself closer to the top!" With a nod of acknowledgment, All Might left Izuku to ponder over his words, a silent reminder that the path to becoming a hero is paved with challenges and opportunities for growth.

“Young Todoroki, Your performance in this competition has been nothing short of impressive, showcasing your incredible power and determination!” Todoroki nodded in acknowledgment, his expression stoic. “However, it's clear that there is still untapped potential within you! Your reliance on your Quirk's icy side may have secured your placement, but true greatness lies in embracing all aspects of yourself!" Todoroki did not respond but nodded weakly. He placed the silver medal around his neck.

“Buttercup Kayama, you've certainly demonstrated remarkable power and skill throughout this competition, securing your place at the top." Buttercup still had her winner grin on. "However," All Might continued, his tone subtly chiding, "it's important to remember that heroism isn't just about flashy displays of strength and power. It's about humility, compassion, and putting others before oneself!" His words were punctuated by a condescending smile, prompting Buttercup to grit her teeth in response. "Keep that in mind as you continue your journey!" All Might concluded, placing the gold medal around her neck as he walked away.

Buttercup would have still have kept her glare on him, if it weren’t for the man almost tripping over himself. “Heh, heh, I am okay everyone! Just…one of those days of being clumsy!” All Might said confidently, but you could tell that he sounded a bit awkward. Buttercup almost broke out laughing. She saw out into the crowd, a waving Bubbles and a smirking Blossom with her hand waving, a tiny glow to them. The whole thing made sense and she once again put on her signature grin.

“These are your winners!” All Might declared to the crowd and the mass of media cameras. “But hold on, everyone! Everyone here today has the potential to be standing up here! We all witnessed it! Competition! Encouragement! Pushing each other to climb higher and higher! The students of today will become the Heroes of tomorrow! In that spirit, let’s have one final cheer!”

The crowd was abuzz with energy as they all prepared to say the famous motto of U.A. High!

“Everyone, say it with me!” All Might shouted out as he raised his arm, his index finger pointing into the air. “One, two, and…”

“THANKS FOR YOUR HARD WORK!” All Might shouted. “PLUS ULTRA!!!” The entire stadium roared.

Silence fell, until…


“Oops…ah eh, sorry!”

-An Unknown Location-

As Stain emerged from the portal into the desolate alleyway, his frustration simmered beneath his stoic exterior. Muttering curses under his breath about the League of Villains' incompetence, he braced himself for solitude, only to be interrupted by the emergence of a peculiar figure from the shadows.

As the darkness swallowed the alleyway, Stain remained vigilant, his senses alert to any potential threat. Footsteps echoed softly, a sinister melody in the night, but Stain's resolve remained unbroken.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, their presence an unsettling distortion of reality. Stain tensed, his hand instinctively reaching for his blade, as he beheld the enigmatic stranger before him—a being whose appearance was as beguiling as it was unnerving.

The figure approached with an eerie grace, their lime-green eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity. "Greetings, Hero Killer," they purred, their voice laced with honeyed deceit. "I trust you are not adverse to a... shall we say, unconventional proposition?"

Stain regarded the stranger with suspicion, his grip on his blade tightening. "And who might you be?" he questioned, his tone sharp with distrust.

The figure offered a cryptic smile, their lips curving into a sinister grin. "You may call me Mr. X," they replied, their voice dripping with malice. "A humble associate of the League, working tirelessly from the shadows to bring about a... shall we say, new order."

Stain's brow furrowed, his skepticism growing with each passing moment. "And what business does Mr. X have with the Hero Killer?" he demanded, his voice tinged with suspicion.

Mr. X chuckled darkly, their laughter echoing in the stillness of the alley. "Ah, but it is not the Hero Killer I seek," they replied, their words laden with hidden meaning. "It is the man behind the mask, the one who sees the world for what it truly is—a cesspool of corruption, deceit, and chaos."

Stain bristled at the implication, his resolve unwavering despite the stranger's manipulative words. "If I not interested what the League has to offer. Why is it that I would have interest in your stupids games?" He spat, his voice tinged with contempt and rising anger.

But Mr. X merely smiled, undeterred by Stain's defiance. "Ah, but what if I were to offer you a chance to prove yourself?" they mused, their voice dripping with temptation. "A chance to test your convictions against... shall we say, worthy adversaries?"

With a flick of their clawed fingers, Mr. X produced three photographs from thin air, each depicting a young girl with eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness.

"These," Mr. X declared, their voice echoing with eerie resonance, "are the key to your destiny. Choose wisely, Hero Killer, for the path you tread may lead to salvation... or damnation. But be rest assured, this will not be last of our meetings."

And with that ominous warning, Mr. X vanished into the night, leaving Stain alone with his thoughts, and the haunting images of three girls who embodied both innocence and malevolence

A Chemical X-Quirk - Chapter 22 - ChiWriters (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.