The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

'3" i I TXJESDAY.JANUASnn- SEYM6UR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, Pfl)IArJA 'uv---v': fgprl By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS if Hatfais SU-JuKlod The first seven teams, headed by the Indianapolis Washington giants, held their positions to day in the weekly Associated Press rating poll for Hoosier high school basketball teams. All of them won with a flour ish last week, although that might Jte a- little extravagant for third-place Indianapolis At tacks' 6541 victory over Muncie Southside's swift Rebels, who barely fell short of enough votes to make the top tea Washington's Continentals a- gain were trailed by Marion, 8344 on consecutive nights. The Bruins now have an 11-0 record Norm Carolina and Santa Clara had no trouble holding onj to second and third places, butl Illinois, ranked fourth last week, tumbled to eighth by losing to Purdue 94-64. Davidson, with a healthy 10-1 record, moved into fourth place. Kentucky, 9-2 through games of last weekend, moved up from seventh to fifth and Kansas, which had held mat spot, plum meted to tenth.

The big drop followed Missouri 8 47-46 upset of Kansas St John's of New York stayed on the winning path by downing Seton HaD 66-45 and moved from eighth to sixth. Vfflanova held Columbus Dovns Owl Owl Grapplers Lose Two By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The rankings of the nation's top college basketball teams went through a major upheaval from fourth place down in Monday's poll of the nation-wide Associated Press board of newsmen and sportscasters, but UCLA, Norm Carolina and San-la Clara still headed the list in that order. Tough and torrid UCLA kept its solid hold on the top by receiving all 40 first place votes. The Bruins, led by Lew Alcin-dor, raised havoc in the Northwest last week by trouncing Oregon 964 and Oregon State Column WEDNESDAY MORNING LADIES StandiBCS Team FU. Pin Ups 100 Fentons Phlleo 86 Unpredlctables 83 Bowlettes 77 Late Starters 76 Cavetts 76 Fashionettes 67 Jay 64 Pin Spotters 62 Jan's 53 The Missers 32 Top Averages Janet Meyer 156, Barbara Ulrey 155, Maurice Hobbs 147, Lois Sommers 146.

Top Series Pin Spotters 2411, Faahionettes 2374, Fentons Phlleo 2359, Unpredictable! Z349. Top Games Barbara Ulrey 587, Lois Sommers 515, Janet Meyer 512, Maurice Hobbs 504, Alverda Semteh 503, Maxlne Duwe 501. SEYMOUR MFG. CO. Standings Team Auger Diggers Firesets Spreaders 31 30 30 Top Averages Eugene Mahoney 172, Menlo Miller 165, William Pearson 161, Hubert Spieker 157, John Hill 156.

Top Series Eugene Mahoney 525, William Pearson 490, Perry Aynes 488. Top Games Eugene Mahoney 203, Perry Aynes 201. John Hill 184. FANFARE i suwo5s eo I Won I Whttr CrgeX 1 6 on 6 4 Waymansvill 7 4 1 Immanuel i Cortland tynth 10 4 10 gegan Cut tW Brave I I 6auerHS Jonesville 4 12 7 Brownstown 2 7 10 J- Sauers A 4 ir 0 Wegan WesU Browiutown I 7 Dudleytown South 16 Browiutown 6 1 Columbus Reds 6 7 Dudleytown North 11 i 5 Dudleytown Mets 8 7 4 Redeemer 4 8 Immanuel I 9 13 10 Sauers 8 6 11 Sauers 12 2 Sauers 4 10 Per. Sauers 27 21 .692 White Creek 27 12 .692 Wegan West 26 IS .667 Brownstown 2 23 16 .590 Browiutown-3 23 16 .590 Sauers 23 16 .590 WaymansvMle 23 16 .990 Zion 2 23 .590 Cortland North 22 17 .564 Wegan East 22 17 .564 Immanuel I 21 18 .538 Bon I 21 18 .538 Dudleytown Mete 20 19 .513 Columbus Reds 18 21 .462 Sauers 18 21 .462 Redeemer 17 22 .436 Dudleytown North 16 23 .410 Dudleytown South 16 23 .410 Columbus Braves 15 24 385 Jonesville 15 24 .385 Sauers 15 24 285 Brownstown I 14 25 .359 Immanuel 2 14 25 .359 Sauers A 9 30 .231 Use Tribune Classified Ads.

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8 li-t week, suffer ed an 80-C2 bestirs by Goshen and fell out of the Top Ten. It was replaced by undefeated Scottsburg, No. 9 last week, which beat Madison for the first time since 133. Anderson, working on a string of seven victories, was ranked No. 9 after being unrated last week.

Warsaw, which has won iOurnoy Columbus led all the way in its win over Seymour although the young Owls- battled back in the second quarter to knot the contest. A combination of tough rebounding and pressing de fense kept the Owls off balance. Seymour, and Franklin "will meet for consolation honors at -6 p. m. while Co-lumhus and New Albany-will tangle tar the title at 7:13 p.

m. Seymonr (51) Emkea Slefker Kammerer Hackman Richard ion, Ptumer Martin nnriTp 4 a 16 4 1 2 a 51 Potlachmldt 0 Patman Owens Total! 1 II Columbus (60) HUea fiPft Pf Tp 4 0 4 Barker 4 Moran 1 Welmer 1 Lanham I Kirts i Graham 1 Stroud 1 Schooler 4 Total, .20 22 Seymour Columbus 12 IS 1 1951 21 60 Owl Frosh Rout Solom Seymour's freshmen basket ball team routed Salem here Monday night, 64-32. Coach Mickey Beck used 11 players in the contest and all ll scored. Seymour led 18-5 at the end of the first quarter and 32-14 at halftime. Seymour scoring: Bracke- myre ll, Growe 10, Henkle, Mellencamp, Sdarra 7 each, Rigsby 6, Hammett, McKillip 4 each, PoDert, Holle 5 each, Clark 2.

Salem scoring: Spauld ing 12, Roberts 6, Humphrey 3, Johnson, Dixon 2 each, Rich ardson 1. JO Its Jast fnine. starts, also joined ue euie in imn piace, lerjc Ilauta Cr-'HcIi, 1) lost vc ii, iv i cut rj iocs cf ta secn, EK2 ty Vin The ruicg, with wen lost records and rating points (1,0 possible): 1. Indpls. Wash.

11 0 9C5 iMarion .....11 846 3. Ind. Attucks .10 0 720 4. Vincennes lO 0 694 5. Ind.

Shortr. 10 0 594 6. Gy. Tolleston 12 1 428 7. E.

C. Roos. 9 1 288 8. Scottsburg 11 0 214 9. "Anderson 7 2 166 10.

Warsaw, ll 1140 Also received votes: Muncie Southside 9-2, South Bend St. Joseph's 1M, Gosbeq 9-3, Michigan City 8-1, Attica 12-0, Ev-ansville Rex Mundi Richmond 8-3, Greenfield 11-1, Con-nersville 9-1, IndianapoSs Mar shall 9-1 Crown Point 11-2, Fort Wayne Elmhurst 11-1, Bluffton Reitz 7-3, Fer dinand 10-1 Intramural Basketball Industrials 36, F.TA 32. Industrials' scoring: Rodney Beal 14, Jay. Nicholson 'll, Dave Wienhorst 7, Scott McKinney 4. F.

V4T. A. scoring: Steve Stark 11, George Green 7, Bob Ship-pee; Jim Weaver 4 each, Kelly Reid, Fred Hines 2 each, 2 points scored by other team. Sports 66, FootbaUers 35. George Graes-sle 21, Gary HuMU 20.

Dennis Baurle 12, Steve Stanfield 8, Stan Ude 4, Jim Martin 1. Footbai ters' scoring: Tim Scott 10, Joe Black, John Mellencamp 6 each, Dan Pollert 5, Mike Bar-nett 4, Gary Myers, Mike Dramatics' 78, Independents 30. Dramatics' scoring; Ray Mcintosh 20, Mark Helt 17, Mike Wessel 16, Tim Stein-wedel, Mike Spray 7 each, Ric Wilcox, Doug Hehvig 4 each, Don Mcintosh 2, Pete Graessle 1. Independents' scoring: Lanny Campbell, Pat Mackey 8 each, Mike Graham 6, Dennis co*ckerham 3, Martin Koop, Dennis Banks 2 each, Ken Self 1. Cortlanders 58, Clubs 84.

Cortlanders' scoring: Dennis Plummer 16, Mike NcNiece 11, John Ault, Jim Ude 10 each, Frank Maschino 7, Steve Clark 4. Clubs' scoring: -Alan Sloan 16, Bob Franklin 14, Bill fields, Don Brand 8 each, Joe Laupus 6, John Roberts 2. taste in beer! Seymour's wrestlers had little luck last week, losing matches to Martinsville and JeffersonviQe. Martinsville's varsity team took a 30-16 win while Jeffersonville defeated Seymour 32-16, Martinsville's reserve team also scored 33-18 win over Seymour. SUMMARIES Varsity Martinsville 30, Seymour 16.

95 pounds Henderson (M) decisioned Rex Wheeler (S), 74. 103 pounds Rick Hawkins (S) pinned Bowman (M), 57 seconds, second period. 112 pounds Jones (M) decisioned Dave Vogel (S), 7-4. 120 pounds Lane (M) pinned Max Neville (S), 1:00, second period. 127 pounds Fisher (M) pinned Clark Brown (S), 1:58, Iloocrvoo In Columbus and New Albany will meet in the final game of the Columbus Reserve Team BasketbaDTournament Wednesday night after posting wins over Seymour and Mondaymght.

i Columbus whipped Seymour's reserves 60-51, while New Al bany lopped Franklin 4440. j. 7h Graders Trip B'f own Shields Junior High School seventh graders recorded a pair of basketball victories over! host Brownstown Monday night. Seymour's A team was a 47 42 winner while the team landed a 41-22 decision. Seymour led all the way in both games, although subsutu uons in me varsity eame allowed Brownstown to narrow Seymour's margin from 13 to five points.

Seymour A scoring: Sterling 16, Penner 9, Jaynes 8, Wiethoff 6, Scott 4, Franklin, Schlei- baum 2 each. Brownstown A scoring: Weaver 14, Norman ll, Spurgeon 8, McClintock 7, Sterling 2. Seymour scoring: Clark 16, Wifley 8, Green 6, Early 3, Ward, Hoeker, Lewis, EgUn 2 each. Brownstown scoring: Bottert 11, Holoway 6, Lahr-man 3, Croquart 2. MORE FLAMINGOES MIAMI, Fla.

(AP) The in field lake at Hialeah Park is somewhat pinker these days. The track's beautiful flamingo colony was enlarged during the summer by 85 newly hatched additions. The record crop of pink birds now numbers more than 500. KmwwwiT, I Think yawa A witm bwhj- tV I i'aa hot I PUJB8LSB. Jjr.C0 AMP SATINS sS J' ft) "jiyF I A 4.

10-1 474 Kentucky 9-2 '424 '6, St, John's 7. New Mexico State 144 338 8. Dlirwls IM 302 9.VTHanova 238 10. Kansas 13-2 "259 225 12. Duquesne 10-1 1 109 13.

Ohio State 8-2 "78 14. Tulsa ii-2 15. Marquette 11-2 60 16. Notre Dame 34 17. Northwestern 9-2 27 18.

Baylor 9-2 26 19. Cincinnati 94 18 20. Colorado 1 13-2 17 Others receiving votes', listed ahihabetJcally: Columbia, Detroit, Drake, Louisville, Purduer and South Carolina. 112 pounds Sapp (J) pinned Dave third period. 120 pounds4pgiesby (J) pinned Clark Brown (S), 1:19, second period.

127 pounds Coyte (J) pinned Dale Jenkins (S), 39 seconds, second period. 133 pounasUvermore (J) decisioned John Baurley (S). 24. 138 poundsChris Sharer (S) decisioned Voyks (J), 84. 145 pounds Don Lawrence (S) decisioned Strickland (J), 6-1.

154 pounds-ee (J) pinned John Hill (S), 1:30, first period. I 165 pounds-Stith (J) decisioned Keith Sinn (S), 154. 175 pounds Mark Ripley (S) won by forfeit. Heavyweight Thompson (J) decisioned Bob Werskey (S), 2-0. Reserves Martinsville 33, Seymour 18.

95 pounds-Perguson (M) decisioned Alan Mitchell (S). 7-1. 103 pounds Bob Burley (S) won by forfeit. 112 pounds-Drake (M) decisioned Tony Waltz, (S). 5-4.

114. 120 pounds Fowler (M) deci sioned Bob Deschner (Si 114. 127 pounds Holder (M) pinned Dale Jenkins OS), 40 seconds third period. 133 pounds Cummings (M) decisioned BQl Rowe (S). 7-3.

138 pounds Wildman (M) Dinned. Gary Satterwhite, 32 seconds, second period. 145 pounds Cramer (M) pinned Rick Baurley, 1:45, third period. 154 pounds-Mills (M) deci sioned Bill Deschner (S), 74. .165 pounds Stan Stradley (S) pinned Cummings (M), 25 seconds second period.

175 pounds-Randy Feller (S) decisioned Love (M), 5-1. Heavyweight-Randy iKoerner (S) won by forfeit Midget League Blues 5, Purples 0. Blues' scoring: Chris Tormoehlen 3, Todd Kiel 2. Greens 6, Reds 5. Greens' scoring: Jay Thomas 6.

Reds' scoring: Stewart Shelton, Kevin McCoy 2 each, Kenny Clark 1. Junior League Pioneers 50, Tigers 26. Pioneers' scoring: Doug All man 22, Don Johnson 16, David Fleetwood, Pat Jones 6 each. Tigers scoring: Chuck Huff 17, Dan Huff 5, Mike Hatfield, Joe Clark 2 each. Hawks 21, Stars-11.

Hawks' scoring: Gregg Sclarra 10, Joe Cole 7, Doug Ryan Dan White Stars' coring: Lanny Eglen 7, Gordon Campbell, Ricky Ketcham 2 each. Cadet Leagwe Rams 23, Bears. 4. Rams scoring: Kenny Owens 11, John Jones 8, Nelson Weiss 4 Bears' scoring: Robert Norris 2, Mike AOman, Tom Owens Aces 7, Eagles 4 Aces' DUlard Brian Penner, John Coryea eadL Eagles' scoring: Kevin Curry $, Tony Personett Royals 28, Rams 22. Royals' scoring Myron Owens 16, Tim IWUson 8, Rick Clark 1 Rams' coring: Scott 9, Jim Undholm 7, George Wilson, Gary Rex Ailed Indiana 14.

Globetrotters: scoring? Steve Doyle 11, Mike Bennett 7, Joe Mclntlre, Larry Doyle 4 each, Don Johnson 2, Indiana avoring: onto ninth place and New Me ico State; one of the remaining few, unbeaten major teams in the nation with a 14M) record, moved from tenth up to seventh. LaSalle, In tlth place with 225 points, heads the second division and is In position to challenge for a ranking in the Top Ten. The major shifts in the balance of the fist saw Detroit, Louisville and Drake drop but of the Top Twenty and Colorado, Baylor and Tulsa move in. The Top Twenty, with first place votes, season's records through Saturday, Jan. 11, and points for the first 15 votes.

1. UCLA 40 a 800 2. North Carolina il 671 3. Santa Clara 144 628 third period. 133 pounds John Baurley (S) decisioned Smallman (M), 9-4.

138 poundsGuy (M) decisioned Chris Sharer (S), 3-2. 145 pounds Don Lawrence (S) pinned Virgne (M), 28 seconds, third period. 154 pounds Ward (M) pinned John Hill (S), 1:10, second period. 165 pounds Fritz (Mr decisioned Keith Sirm (S), 4-2. 175 pounds Mark Ripley (S) decisioned Rinnick (M), 14J.

Heavyweight: Conwell (M) decisioned Bob Werskey (S), 8-6. Jeffersonville 32, Seymour 16 95 pounds Pelky (i) decisioned Rex Wheeler (S), 164. 103 pounds Rick Hawkins (S) pinned Qyatt (J), 28 seconds, first period. By Wah DfetJi Asscciaticn, Inc. Enjoy Falls City-the freshest a urn I 1 i.

i Yes, Indiana trucks pave the way for new highway construction. And they pay their way with 2 and V. million'doilars in state and Federal taxes every seven days. Fifty two weeks a year --r (MMcaiaMlWMr, TRUCKS PAVE THE WAY Not oneof.the roads shown would be possible without the tax contribution of trucks operating in Indiana, Every seven days Indiana trucks pay 2 and Yi million tax dollars. Indiana taxes alone are of the tot almost of malnttnance of IndianaVtxptnditurts for construction C2 of the cost of all state administered roads FAtlS CITY EEER IS DISTRIBUTED, EY Indiana Motor Track Terry AbeO 6, Gary Jackson 4 Rick.

Callaghefrlilike bimpsonl. -V.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.