Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (2024)

Starting from Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (1) Season 1 – The Crimson Plague it is possible to choose a Profession that will give access to special sets of skills.

It is up to everyone to decide which Profession to choose, if you are at a lower HQ level or power in regards to your server maybe choosing the Engineer is the best choice. At the same time if you prefer to use the new skills for war than choose War Leader.

I will keep updating this article in the next days.


  • Profession Hall
    • Profession Selection
    • Profession Level Experience
    • Change Profession
    • Reset current Profession Skills
    • S1 Skill Points
    • Acquire Skills
  • Engineer
    • Engineer – Profession Experience Level 1
      • Rapid Production
      • Outstanding Contribution
      • Combat Experience (Season 1 specific)
    • Engineer – Profession Experience Level 5
      • Extra Meal
      • Siege Mastery
      • Building Inspiration I (Season 1 specific)
    • Engineer – Profession Experience Level 10
      • Build for Free
      • Research for Free
      • Infection Spread (Season 1 specific)
    • Engineer – Profession Experience Level 15
      • Build Now
      • Research Now
      • Healing Expert (Season 1 specific)
    • Engineer – Profession Experience Level 20
      • Rally Rush
      • Siege Banner
        • Instructions
      • Healing Expert (Season 1 specific)
        • Instructions
    • Engineer – Profession Experience Level 25
      • Siege Inspiration
      • Friendly Aid
    • Engineer – Profession Experience Level 30
      • Cooperative Construction
        • Instructions
      • Cooperative Research
        • Instructions
      • Poison Trial (Season 1 specific)

Profession Hall

The new features regarding Professions and skills are available if you:

  • Go to Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (2) Season 1 – The Crimson Plague event menu and then Profession
  • Go on the Profession Hall building, from which 3 actions are available
    • Professions -> Profession paths with skills that can be acquired
    • Profession Skills -> Access the available skills that can be immediately used
    • Information about the building
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (3)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (4)

Profession Selection

Once you enter the Profession Hall the first time you will be able to choose which Profession you want:

  • Engineer
  • War Leader
  • Diplomat -> Not available yet


  • During the season, killing monsters, capturing cities, and upgrading season buildings can earn you profession experience.
  • Leveling up your profession can earn you profession skill points.
  • The profession skill on the far right is the season’s special skill. This special skill will be unlocked after the season starts and resets at the End of the Season. The Skill points used for the special skill will be returned after the reset
  • The special skills may vary from season to season
  • Each season has a different Level Cap for the profession
  • Once the level reaches the Level Cap, further experience gained will not increase the profession level, but will be stored at a certain ratio. The stored profession experience will be sent via mail at the start of the next season
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (5)

Profession Level Experience

Once a Profession is selected you can activate skills based on the level of Profession Experience you unlocked.

Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (6)

Killing monsters, capturing cities, and upgrading season buildings are some of the actions that will earn you Profession EXP points.

Change Profession

It is possible to change profession, to do so you need to use a specific item called “Profession Change Certificate

Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (7)
  • Use this to re-select Profession
  • Resets and refunds all original Profession skill points

Reset current Profession Skills

It is possible to reset the current Profession skills, to do so you need to use a specific item called “Profession Skill Reset Book

Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (8)
  • Resets current Profession skills and refunds skill points

S1 Skill Points

Use it to gain 1 Profession skill point

Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (9)
  • This item can be used 10 times in total.
  • Exceeding the limit will grand 10 k Profession EXP

Acquire Skills

To acquire a skill 2 conditions need to be met:

  • Profession level for the specific skill must be reached
  • A skill point needs to be used
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (10)

You will need to earn Profession EXP to level up. Given each Profession EXP level some skills unlock

On the right an image that shows which skills are available to be acquired/used based on the current profession experience level.

In fact in this case the Profession Experience Level is 33 as shown in the image above, so it is possible to acquire only skills up to level 30, those regarding level 35 are still locked.

Please note that the skills on the right (with green background) are Season 1 specific.

Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (11)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (12)

If a skill is unlocked from a Profession Experience Level than if skill points are available it will be possible to acquire a Profession skill. In the image above you see the level of each skill, for example 1/3.

In the image on the left you can see that you can acquire the skill that so will go to level 1. Many skills have additional levels that can be acquired.


Let’s dive in listing all skills and what they do. It will be done taking into consideration the increasing Profession Experience Level

Engineer – Profession Experience Level 1

There are 3 skills available at Profession Experience Level 1:

  • Rapid Production
  • Outstanding Contribution
  • Combat Experience (Season 1 specific)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (13)

Rapid Production

Max Skill Levels: 5

Use it to immediately gain 4 hours (based on level) of production from in-base Food, Iron and Coin buildings, cooldown 24 hours.


  • Level 1: 4 hours
  • Level 2: 8 hours
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (14)

Outstanding Contribution

Max Skill Levels: 1

Donating Tech helps increase the number of Alliance Contribution points earned (without affecting Contribution Score).


  • Level 1: +100%
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (15)

Combat Experience (Season 1 specific)

Max Skill Levels: 3

Increased Profession EXP from killing monsters on World Map.


  • Level 1: 20%
  • Level 2: 40%
  • Level 3: 60%
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (16)

Engineer – Profession Experience Level 5

There are 3 skills available at Profession Experience Level 5:

  • Extra Meal
  • Outstanding Contribution
  • Building Inspiration I (Season 1 specific)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (17)

Extra Meal

Max Skill Levels: 1

The effect of Daily Freebie for stamina has been improved.


  • Level 1: +50% (now you will receive 2 packs of 75 stamina daily instead of 2 packs of 50 stamina daily)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (18)

Siege Mastery

Max Skill Levels: 5

Unit durability damage increases by 100 (based on level)


  • Level 1: 100
  • Level 2: 200
  • Level 3: 300
  • Level 4: 400
  • Level 5: 500
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (19)

Building Inspiration I (Season 1 specific)

Max Skill Levels: 3

Unit durability damage increases by 100 (based on level)


  • Level 1: 5%
  • Level 2: 10%
  • Level 3: 15%
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (20)

Engineer – Profession Experience Level 10

There are 3 skills available at Profession Experience Level 10:

  • Build for Free
  • Research for Free
  • Building Inspiration I (Season 1 specific)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (21)

Build for Free

Max Skill Levels: 5

Increase free speed-up time for Constructions


  • Level 1: 48
  • Level 2: 96
  • Level 3:144
  • Level 4: 192
  • Level 5: 240
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (22)

Research for Free

Max Skill Levels: 5

Increase free speed-up time for research


  • Level 1: 48
  • Level 2: 96
  • Level 3:144
  • Level 4: 192
  • Level 5: 240
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (23)

Infection Spread (Season 1 specific)

Max Skill Levels: 1

You can infect others with the virus by defeating them after you’vs been poisoned


  • Level 1: 1
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (24)

Engineer – Profession Experience Level 15

There are 3 skills available at Profession Experience Level 15:

  • Build Now
  • Research Now
  • Healing Expert
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (25)

Build Now

Max Skill Levels: 5

Use it to immediately reduce all Construction Queue time by 120 minutes (based on level), cooldown 48 hours


  • Level 1: 120
  • Level 2: 240
  • Level 3: 360
  • Level 4: 480
  • Level 5: 600
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (26)

Research Now

Max Skill Levels: 5

Use it to immediately reduce all Research Queue time by 1200 minutes (based on level), cooldown 48 hours


  • Level 1: 240
  • Level 2: 480
  • Level 3: 720
  • Level 4: 960
  • Level 5: 1200
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (27)

Healing Expert (Season 1 specific)

Max Skill Levels: 1

Remove 1 additional virus stack each time you cure an ally


  • Level 1: +1
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (28)

Engineer – Profession Experience Level 20

There are 3 skills available at Profession Experience Level 20:

  • Rally Rush
  • Research Now
  • Healing Expert
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (29)

Rally Rush

Max Skill Levels: 5

Joining or returning with rallies boosts troop marching speed


  • Level 1: 10 %
  • Level 2: 20 %
  • Level 3: 30 %
  • Level 4: 40 %
  • Level 5: 50 %
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (30)

Siege Banner

Max Skill Levels: 1

Use it to set up “Siege Banner”. Increases the damage of allies whose bases are within the banner’s range by 100, lasting 30 minute, cooldown 72 hours (stack up to 5 times)


  • Level 1: 100
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (31)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (32)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (33)

Healing Expert (Season 1 specific)

Max Skill Levels: 3

Exchange two types of seasonal resources ad 1:2 ration, consuming 15.000 (based on level) and gaining 30.000 (based on level), with a cooldown of 48 hours


  • Level 1: 5.000
  • Level 2: 15.000
  • Level 3: 25.000
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (34)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (35)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (36)

Engineer – Profession Experience Level 25

There are 2 skills available at Profession Experience Level 25:

  • Siege Inspiration
  • Friendly Aid
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (37)

Siege Inspiration

Max Skill Levels: 3

Increased Profession EXP from damaging City Durability


  • Level 1: 20 %
  • Level 2: 40 %
  • Level 3: 60 %
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (38)

Friendly Aid

Max Skill Levels: 5

When reinforcing an ally’s base, the casualty rate of the Drill Ground’s units decreases (not stackable)


  • Level 1: 5 %
  • Level 2: 10%
  • Level 3: 15%
  • Level 4: 20%
  • Level 5: 25%
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (39)

Engineer – Profession Experience Level 30

There are 3 skills available at Profession Experience Level 30:

  • Cooperative Construction
  • Cooperative Research
  • Poison Trial
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (40)

Cooperative Construction

Max Skill Levels: 2

Boost building speed by 10% (based on level) for both you and a selected ally for 60 minutes, with a 24-hour cooldown (effects do not stack)


  • Level 1: 10 %
  • Level 2: 20 %
  • Level 3: 30 %
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (41)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (42)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (43)

Cooperative Research

Max Skill Levels: 2

Boost research speed by 10% (based on level) for both you and a selected ally for 60 minutes, with a 24-hour cooldown (effects do not stack)


  • Level 1: 10 %
  • Level 2: 20 %
  • Level 3: 30 %
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (44)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (45)
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (46)

Poison Trial (Season 1 specific)

Max Skill Levels: 1

Raise the limit on virus stacks


  • Level 1: 100
Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (47)


Professions – Engineer and War Leader – Additional skills based on the profession you choose - Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.