Planted in the house of the LORD, They will flourish in the courts of our God. (2024)

Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.


Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers

(13) (See Note, Psalm 52:8, and Stanley’s Jewish Church, ii. 207.)

Benson Commentary

Psalm 92:13-14. Those that be planted in the house of the Lord — In his church, of which all righteous persons are real and living members: those whom God, by his gracious providence and Holy Spirit, hath planted and fixed there, and incorporated with his people; shall flourish in the courts of our God — Like the trees just mentioned, they shall retain their pleasant verdure, extend their cooling shade, refresh many by their sweet and nourishing fruit, or support and adorn them by their useful qualities, and increase continually in grace and goodness. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age — When their natural strength decays it shall be renewed: their last days shall be their best days, wherein, as they shall grow in grace, so they shall increase in comfort and blessedness. He seems to allude to the palm-trees above mentioned, which produce, indeed, little fruit till they be about thirty years of age, but after that time, while their juice continues, the older they become, are the more fruitful, and will bear each three or four hundred pounds of dates every year. “Happy the man whose goodness is always progressive, and whose virtues increase with his years; who loseth not, in multiplying of worldly cares, the holy fervours of his first love, but goeth on, burning and shining more and more, to the end of his days!” — Horne.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

92:7-15 God sometimes grants prosperity to wicked men in displeasure; yet they flourish but for a moment. Let us seek for ourselves the salvation and grace of the gospel, that being daily anointed by the Holy Spirit, we may behold and share the Redeemer's glory. It is from his grace, by his word and Spirit, that believers receive all the virtue that keeps them alive, and makes them fruitful. Other trees, when old, leave off bearing, but in God's trees the strength of grace does not fail with the strength of nature. The last days of the saints are sometimes their best days, and their last work their best work: perseverance is sure evidence of sincerity. And may every sabbath, while it shows forth the Divine faithfulness, find our souls resting more and more upon the Lord our righteousness.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord - As if plants were reared up in the house of God. The same image, under the idea of the olive tree, occurs in Psalm 52:8. See the notes at that verse. The passage here may refer particularly to those who have been trained up in connection with the church; young plants set out in the sanctuary, and cultivated until they have reached their growth.

Shall flourish in the courts of our God - That is, Having been planted there, they will grow there; they will send out their boughs there; they will produce fruit there. The "courts" of the house of God were properly the areas or open spaces around the tabernacle or the temple (see the notes at Matthew 21:12); but the word came also to denote the tabernacle or the temple itself, or to designate a place where God was worshipped. It has this meaning here. The passage affords an encouragement to parents to train up their children in attendance on the ordinances of public worship; and it shows the advantage of having been born in the church, and of having been trained up in it - an advantage which no one can fully appreciate. The passage may also be regarded as furnishing a proof of what will be the result of being thus "planted" and nurtured in connection with the church, inasmuch as trees carefully planted and cultivated are expected to produce more and better fruit than those which grow wild.

Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

12-14. The vigorous growth, longevity, utility, fragrance, and beauty of these noble trees, set forth the life, character, and destiny of the pious;

Matthew Poole's Commentary

Those that be planted; whom God by his gracious providence and Holy Spirit hath planted or fixed there. In the house of the Lord, i.e. in its courts, which are a part of the house, and oft come under that name in Scripture. And by this house he means the church of God, whereof all just persons are real and living members. The courts; which he mentions rather than the house, because he speaks not here of the priests, but of all just men, who were permitted to come no further than into the courts.

Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord,.... Or being planted (e), that is, everyone of the righteous before mentioned; such are they that are planted out of the wilderness of the world, and into Christ, and are rooted in him, and are planted together in the likeness of his death and resurrection; have the graces of the Spirit of God implanted in them, have received the ingrafted word; and, in consequence of all this, are grafted into the olive tree, the church; or have a place and name there, better than that of sons and daughters, where they are as plants grown up in their youth; and which is here meant by "the house of the Lord", in allusion to the tabernacle, or temple, which had the figure of palm trees on the walls of it: so the Targum interprets it the temple, rendering it,

"his children shall be planted in the sanctuary of the Lord:''

and though it may seem strange that trees should be planted in an house, it should be remembered that the house of the Lord, or the church, is a garden, whose plants are an orchard of pomegranates, Sol 4:12, and such are not mere education plants, or such as are merely by outward profession, or only ministerially, planted, but are planted by the Lord himself; and so are choice and pleasant ones, by which God is glorified, and which shall never be plucked up: and these

shall flourish in the courts of our God; like trees in courtyards before houses; alluding to the courts in the tabernacle or temple, where the people worshipped: here the righteous flourish like palm trees, as in the preceding verse, being rooted in Christ, who is the righteous man's root, that yieldeth fruit, and from whom all his fruit is found; but this flourishing is not merely in the leaves of profession, but in the fruits of grace and righteousness, being watered with the dews of divine grace, and having the benefit of the word and ordinances; which are the waters of the sanctuary, that refresh and quicken the trees of righteousness that grow by it; see Ezekiel 47:1. This is referred to the times of the Messiah, and the resurrection, by the ancient Jews (f).

(e) "plantati", Pagninus, Montanus, Junius & Tremellius, &c. (f) Zohar in Leviticus 7. 1.

Geneva Study Bible

Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.


Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

13. Planted in the house of JehovahThey shall flourish in the courts of our God.It is possible that trees had grown in the Temple courts, as they grow at the present day in the Haram area, and that the prosperity and security of the righteous are compared to the luxuriant growth of the carefully tended trees in the sacred precincts. But the expression may be merely figurative. The land was ‘Jehovah’s house.’ Replanted there, Israel will evermore flourish under the care and guardianship of Jehovah. Cp. Psalm 52:8; Isaiah 61:3; Jeremiah 32:41.The addition in the P.B.V. ‘in the courts of the house of our God’ is from the Vulg.

Pulpit Commentary

Verse 13. - Those that be planted in the house of the Lord; rather, Planted (or, Being planted) in the house of the Lord, they. This does not refer to the "trees" of the preceding verse, but to the "righteous," who are viewed as passing their days almost continually in the temple courts, and so as (in a certain sense) "planted" there. The passage has no bearing on the question whether the temple courts were or were not planted with trees. Shall flourish in the courts of our God (comp. Psalm 84:2, 10). Psalm 92:13

Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament

The soil in which the righteous are planted or (if it is not rendered with the lxx πεφυτευμένοι, but with the other Greek versions μεταφυτευθέντες) into which they are transplanted, and where they take root, a planting of the Lord, for His praise, is His holy Temple, the centre of a family fellowship with God that is brought about from that point as its starting-point and is unlimited by time and space. There they stand as in sacred ground and air, which impart to them ever new powers of life; they put forth buds (הפריח as in Job 14:9) and preserve a verdant freshness and marrowy vitality (like the olive, 52:10, Judges 9:9) even into their old age (נוּב of a productive force for putting out shoots; vid., with reference to the root נב, Genesis, S. 635f.), cf. Isaiah 65:22 : like the duration of the trees is the duration of my people; they live long in unbroken strength, in order, in looking back upon a life rich in experiences of divine acts of righteousness and loving-kindness, to confirm the confession which Moses, in Deuteronomy 32:4, places at the head of his great song. There the expression is אין עול, here it is אין עלתה בּו. This ‛ôlātha, softened from ‛awlātha - So the Ker - with a transition from the aw, au into ô, is also found in Job 5:16 (cf. עלה equals עולה Psalm 58:3; Psalm 64:7; Isaiah 61:8), and is certainly original in this Psalm, which also has many other points of coincidence with the Book of Job (like Psalm 107, which, however, in Psalm 107:42 transposes עלתה into עולה).


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Planted in the house of the LORD, They will flourish in the courts of our God. (2024)


Planted in the house of the LORD, They will flourish in the courts of our God.? ›

Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God: God's house, the place of His presence, is the place where believers are both planted and where they continually live and flourish.

What does it mean to flourish in the courts of the Lord? ›

The imagery of fruitfulness is the picture here as it is cared for by our infinitely loving God. The word “flourish” is a gardening term that means “to cause to bud”. With the budding comes the fruiting. The house of the LORD is here symbolical of God's presence and speaks of communion with God.

What does it mean to be planted in the House of the Lord? ›

Meaning there is never a time where we will be overtaken by the storms and trials of life if we are anchored in God. Although we may face different seasons and withstand different trails if we are planted in God's house, those trials and tests will only make us stronger.

What are the courts of our God? ›

Psalm 135:2 says, “You who stand in the HOUSE of the LORD, in the COURTS of the house of our God.” The House of God refers to the Church – the Body of Christ. The “courts of our God” may be descriptive of local assemblies of believers and specific ministry assignments.

What does the courts of the Lord mean? ›

Often when we think of courts, we think of a courthouse, or something related to the study of law. While this verse could mean the righteous courts of the Lord, it can also refer to being in the dwelling place of the Lord. This is the most likely scenario, as God's dwelling place is the greatest place to be by far.

How do you flourish in the Lord? ›

6 Ways to Flourish Spiritually
  1. Walk with God Daily. ...
  2. Forsake any Sin in Your Life. ...
  3. Trust in the Lord. ...
  4. Find Joy in the Strength of the Lord. ...
  5. Meditate on the Word of God. ...
  6. Attend Church on a Regular Basis.
Mar 29, 2018

What does flourish where you are planted mean? ›

So, what does it mean to BLOOM where we are planted? Blooming where you are planted means to grow and flourish despite the circ*mstances, and that does not mean to survive, it means to Thrive and to Blossom. I can understand how this can be hard for some but it's not impossible.

What does the word courts mean in the Bible? ›

—The word court, in the English Bible, corresponds to the Hebrew (haver) enclosed space. The latter is used to designate: (I) an encampment of nomads; (2) a space protected by a stockade or palisades, or by a rampart of stones or earth, hence a village; (3) the court-yards of the houses or temples.

What is the meaning of Lord in court? ›

my lord in British English

a respectful form of address used to a judge, bishop, or nobleman.

What does it mean to enter God's courts with praise? ›

In Psalm 100:4, we are told to “enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” When we come to God, we have so many reasons to thank Him. Jesus is the greatest of all these reasons. Bringing thankfulness and praise to God is a way to worship Him.

What are the courts of the Lord in Psalm 84? ›

The Courts of Yahweh's Temple (Psalm 84:3-4)

The psalmist imagines the "courts10 of the Lord," that is, the various courtyards of Solomon's temple.

Why do courts say so help me God? ›

It is used in some jurisdictions as an oath for performing a public duty, such as an appearance in court. The phrase implies greater care than usual in the truthfulness of one's testimony or in the performance of one's duty.

What does it mean to court someone biblically? ›

Christian Courtship is the process of determining whether it's God will for a man and a woman to marry one another. It has three essential elements. Its goal is to ascertain God's will using Biblical principles so as to glorify Him. It is honoring to both sets of parents.

What does it mean to flourish in the Bible? ›

In everything we do, God desires for us to “Flourish.” To flourish is to grow or develop healthily or vigorously, especially as the result of a particularly congenial environment. But growth is never just an outcome of our external circ*mstances. It must come intentionally from a maturing that happens on the inside.

What does the word flourish mean in Hebrew? ›

The word flourish in Hebrew means “to revive, blossom; to sprout, shoot; become apparent, break out.” The Greek version of this word is only found in Philippians 4:10, and is sometimes translated as “revived” or “renewed.” The essence of the word is to return to a former state of being.

How do we flourish spiritually? ›

Then, to flourish spiritually we must find (through prayer, meditation, reading, and Bible study within a discerning community) how we can relate to and become involved with the means and manners of God's redemptive work.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.