Aquamarine Crystals: Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui (2024)

Aquamarine is a mesmerizing gemstone, with hues ranging from pale blue to deep sea green. It is a variety of the mineral beryl, and has been prized for its beautiful colors for centuries. The name “aquamarine” comes from the Latin words for “water” and “sea”, reflecting the ocean-like tones of the stone. Found in locations across the globe, each aquamarine crystal has its own unique story locked inside.

If you’re looking for a beautiful gemstone that also has deeper energetic properties, Phung Phuong highly recommend aquamarine. With its gorgeous light blue or sea-green hues, aquamarine is a real stunner! But it’s not just about looks – this stone also has very soothing, peaceful energies.

That’s why we Feng Shui experts like to use it to promote tranquility and balance. For me, aquamarine brings a wonderful sense of calm and fluidity into a space. I think you’ll find it to be a lovely addition that will make your rooms feel more peaceful and protected. By the way for those who don’t know me, I’m Phung Phuong, a Feng Shui expert and member of LotusBuddhas.

Table of Contents

About Aquamarine Crystals

Aquamarine Crystals: Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui (1)

Chemical CompositionBeryl (Be3Al2(SiO3)6)
ColorBlue to green-blue
Hardness7.5-8 on Mohs scale
OriginBrazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Madagascar, Russia, U.S., etc.
Associated ChakraThroat chakra
Zodiac AffinityPisces, Gemini, Aries, Scorpio
Healing PropertiesCalmness, clarity, courage, communication
Primary UsesJewelry, meditation, Feng Shui
PriceVaries based on quality; averages $600 per carat for gems

Aquamarine crystals, known for their distinctive pale blue-green hue, belong to the beryl family, sharing this lineage with other notable gemstones such as morganite and emerald. Natural aquamarine forms beautiful hexagonal columns as it develops.

A key element responsible for aquamarine’s signature blue tone is iron. The presence of this mineral imparts the crystal with its distinct coloration, and it’s interesting to note that upon heating, aquamarine can attain an even deeper blue shade.

“The beauty of the aquamarine lies not just in its hue but in the stories of the oceans it carries within.” — Marcus Lighthaven

Throughout history and various cultures, aquamarine has been associated with youthfulness and happiness, and it holds special significance for those born in March, being designated as the birthstone for this month. Beyond its aesthetic and symbolic attributes, aquamarine has also found a place in the realm of crystal healing. Enthusiasts of this practice frequently pair aquamarine with specific heart stones, namely rhodonite, green opal, rose quartz, pink halite, chrysocolla, and green calcite. The combined energies of these crystals are believed to facilitate rapid heart healing during meditation sessions.

Additionally, the calming and balancing attributes of aquamarine crystals have made them a cherished component in feng shui practices. In this context, the soothing blue-green color of aquamarine plays a pivotal role. It’s believed to act as a protective shield, guarding homes from negative energies and ensuring the space remains harmonious and tranquil.

Most aquamarine comes from granite deposits, like the gorgeous stones from Brazil’s Minas Gerais. Pakistan, Nigeria, Madagascar, Russia, and the U.S. also produce top-quality aquamarine. Each origin lends unique qualities to the crystals, making collecting stones from different localities a fascinating endeavor.

Meaning and Uses of Aquamarine

Aquamarine Crystals: Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui (2)

As I mentioned earlier, the name “aquamarine” comes from the Latin for “seawater,” perfectly describing the stone’s calming, ocean-like color.

Beyond its lovely appearance, aquamarine has many remarkable spiritual and healing properties. Historically it was thought to provide protection during travel and battle through a shielding energy field. Aquamarine can calm an overactive mind and bring clarity of thought and intellect.

“The aquamarine embodies the clarity of the blue ocean waters. Its energies are calming, cooling and cleansing, like fresh clear blue spring water.” – Unknown

A core part of aquamarine’s meaning is instilling hope and happiness. Its energy promotes compassion and reduces judgmental thinking, allowing for more harmony with oneself and others. In feng shui, its blue-green color corresponds to the wood element, encouraging love and kindness to grow.

The gentle, flowing essence of aquamarine is reminiscent of the moon’s yin energy. This makes it excellent for restoring balance. Aquamarine resonates with the throat chakra, enhancing communication skills for clearer expression.

Aquamarine can also connect our everyday consciousness with higher planes of awareness and our higher selves. This makes it a wonderful aid during meditation. With aquamarine, you can achieve a deeper bond with inner truths and cosmic insight.

So in summary, aquamarine is a beautiful gemstone renowned for its abilities to bring clarity, balance, protection, and spiritual connection – a truly captivating crystal.

Healing properties of Aquamarine

Aquamarine Crystals: Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui (3)

Aquamarine is a stone imbued with remarkable healing properties. Its gentle blue hues resonate deeply with the human constitution, given that our bodies comprise approximately seventy per cent water. This inherent connection between the stone and our watery composition accentuates aquamarine’s healing prowess.

This gem is renowned for its rejuvenating properties. Aquamarine possesses the ability to cleanse and purify, removing toxins and impurities, much like the natural detoxifying properties of water. By promoting a sense of cleanliness and purification, the stone readies an individual to navigate life’s ebb and flow, embracing change and adaptability with ease.

In addition to its purifying properties, the luminous shimmer of aquamarine emanates healing vibes that resonate with the human spirit. If you stay close to or meditate with this stone, you can tap into its regenerative energies, facilitating both physical and mental healing. The stone’s soothing aura promotes calmness, reduces stress, and helps release negative emotions or trauma, much like the healing effects of being near water.

Physical healing properties

Aquamarine’s stunning beauty and profound spiritual resonance have made it highly prized throughout history. This gem can also provide substantial physical healing for you. Since ancient times, aquamarine has been used as a therapeutic tool to enhance overall wellness.

One key aspect of aquamarine’s healing abilities involves the throat chakra. Its connection to this chakra allows it to address throat-related issues. For example, it can relieve discomfort from sore throats, reduce throat gland inflammation, and assist with thyroid concerns. The soothing properties from its blue hue bring relief to these ailments.

Beyond the throat, aquamarine bolsters your immune system. It helps modulate your body’s response to allergens, providing relief from hayfever. Instead of letting your body become overreactive, aquamarine promotes a more balanced immune response.

Another profound power of aquamarine is regulating hormonal imbalances. It harmonizes your body’s hormonal responses, impacting various physiological processes.

In addition, aquamarine enhances your vision. Just as sailors rely on clear sight to spot storms, aquamarine supports and strengthens your eyes. Its revitalizing energy rejuvenates tired eyes, restoring clarity, luminosity and focus to your vision.

Mental and emotional healing properties

Aquamarine’s soothing blue-green color, reminiscent of where the sky meets the sea, immediately evokes a sense of tranquility and offers respite to your weary spirit. This stone encourages introspection, prompting you to seek your inherent truths and embrace self-awareness.

At its essence, aquamarine serves as an emotional stabilizer. Its gentle vibrations prevent you from becoming emotionally overwhelmed, keeping feelings balanced and in harmony.

Aquamarine instills emotional clarity, fostering an environment free of judgment and promoting tolerance of yourself and others. For those struggling with inner critics, it enhances understanding and nurtures empathy within you. Aquamarine softens rigid perspectives without compromising your integrity or personal boundaries.

“You capture the power of the mermaid song and sea breeze with Aquamarine. Its soft blue power calms anger and brings mental clarity.” – Penny Billington

Aquamarine is especially beneficial for restless minds. Whether you grapple with racing thoughts or anxiety, this gemstone anchors your mind to the present moment, stopping unnecessary mental spirals. Its calming essence facilitates deep meditation, making it an excellent choice if you seek serene self-reflection. For sensitive souls, aquamarine unravels confusion, unveiling truths and aiding closure of pivotal life events.

Moreover, aquamarine is known as the Stone of Courage, encapsulating its ability to foster inner fortitude and gentle resilience within you. It empowers you to embrace your true self, releasing inhibitions and illuminating your path. In communication, especially public speaking or expressing personal desires, aquamarine aligns with the throat chakra, lending steadiness to your voice and infusing you with confidence. By eliminating emotional and mental clutter, aquamarine paves the way for lucid communication, empowering you to advocate for your wants and needs.

Metaphysical properties

Aquamarine, beyond its physical and emotional attributes, boasts a rich tapestry of metaphysical properties. This crystal, redolent of the sea’s depth and mystery, serves as a bridge to the spiritual realm. As with many healing gemstones, aquamarine’s allure is not merely skin deep; it delves into the profound territories of the soul and the universe.

One of aquamarine’s standout metaphysical attributes is its purported clairvoyant capabilities. Those seeking to expand their foresight and fortify their bond with the cosmos find a trusted ally in this gem. It acts as a portal, granting seekers a glimpse into potential futures and facilitating deeper cosmic connections.

Furthermore, aquamarine is intertwined with the Hanged Man card from the tarot. Contrary to its seemingly grim denomination, this card embodies the essence of reflection and pausing. It underscores the significance of occasionally stepping back from the frenetic pace of life, advocating for introspection and reconnecting with one’s foundational self. This association accentuates aquamarine’s role as a spiritual compass, guiding individuals to moments of solitude and self-discovery.

How to Use Aquamarine Crystals in Feng Shui

Aquamarine Crystals: Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui (4)

With its vibrant energy, aquamarine can be a powerful tool when used with Feng Shui principles. To harness its essence, you can incorporate this stone into different areas of your home by following the Feng Shui bagua map. This map is an energy blueprint that connects specific life sectors to designated sections of your space.

Activating Xun – The Wealth Corner

Location: From the main entrance, the far left corner represents the Xun, or the wealth area. This section resonates with the wood element and pertains not only to monetary wealth but also how you perceive and value yourself.

Aquamarine’s Role: By positioning an aquamarine crystal in this corner, you amplify self-compassion and shed self-imposed judgments. Set your intentions on breaking old, restrictive patterns related to self-worth and prosperity, making space for nurturing beliefs and constructive actions.

Energizing Kun – The Love Corner

Location: The far right corner from the entrance epitomizes the Kun, linked with romantic and partnership endeavors.

Aquamarine’s Role: This corner is an ideal place for aquamarine if you aim to bring gentleness and understanding into your relationships. Positioning the stone here with a clear intention helps activate your receptive side, paving the way for compassionate dialogues in your personal relationships. The relationship you foster with yourself is equally crucial, so define clear intentions regarding your self-communication.

Wood Element Activation

Aquamarine’s Essence: Aquamarine’s signature blue-green hue mirrors the wood element, which embodies fresh starts, healing, and growth.

Application: Strategically place an aquamarine piece in your living space with the aspiration of initiating a transformative phase in your life, brimming with exploration and happiness.

Enhancing Meditation Spaces

Location: The designated meditation zone in your home.

Aquamarine’s Role: Incorporating aquamarine into your meditation area can elevate your sessions. Either meditate holding the stone or position it on your altar. Doing so can facilitate deeper spiritual insights, connecting you to loftier consciousness realms while fostering courage and internal fortitude.

Besides placing beautiful aquamarine crystals in strategic locations according to feng shui principles, you can also wear it with you as a piece of jewelry.

Let Phung Phuong share with you another interesting detail. It is famous figures like Princess Eugenia of Spain recognized the potent power of this stone, wearing it close to the skin to draw its benefits more effectively. When you choose to adorn yourself with aquamarine jewelry, whether it’s an intricately designed pendant, a radiant ring, or a feng shui bracelet placed directly on the pulse, you allow yourself to be intimately connected with the stone’s tranquil properties.

Wearing aquamarine crystal directly against your skin amplifies its calming vibrations, letting you harness the full spectrum of its therapeutic qualities. Its gentle touch soothes the spirit, infuses you with inner peace, and revitalizes the heart, making it a perfect choice for those seeking serenity in a tumultuous world.

Meditation with Aquamarine Crystals

Aquamarine Crystals: Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui (5)

Meditating with aquamarine allows you to journey into the tranquil depths of your inner being, tapping into the crystal’s soothing properties of clarity, communication and calm.

“To hold an aquamarine is to hold the essence of the sea, with all its depth, mysteries, and serenity.” — Lillian Forsythe

To start, find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and undisturbed. Hold your Aquamarine crystal in your hand, or place it directly over your throat chakra, the energy center closely linked to this gemstone. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, allowing yourself to settle into the present moment.

As you breathe, visualize the gentle blue hue of the Aquamarine enveloping you, its calming energy washing over your entire being like a tide, cleansing and purifying. Let its tranquil vibration quiet any mental chatter, and steer your consciousness into a state of deep stillness.

With every inhalation, imagine drawing in the crystal’s serene energy, and with every exhalation, release any negativity or tension. As you do this, feel the Aquamarine’s resonance fostering a deeper connection between your inner self and the universe, enhancing your intuition and aiding in clear, compassionate communication with your higher self.

Allow the Aquamarine’s gentle energy to act as a guide, leading you to the quiet spaces within where insights and wisdom reside. Here, you can ask questions, seek clarity, or simply bask in the soothing embrace of the crystal’s vibration.

Concluding your meditation, take a moment to express gratitude to your Aquamarine crystal for its guidance and healing. As you slowly open your eyes and return to the present, carry with you the sense of calm and clarity cultivated during your session, letting it permeate every facet of your day.

How to Cleanse and Charge Your Aquamarine

Aquamarine Crystals: Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui (6)

Over time, your aquamarine crystal can absorb energies from its surroundings. This energy accumulation can diminish the crystal’s effectiveness. Therefore, it’s essential for you to regularly cleanse and charge your aquamarine to ensure it functions at its optimum potency.

To cleanse your aquamarine, consider one of the following methods:

  • Smudging: Using a bundle of palo santo, sage, or other cleansing herbs, light it and let it smolder, producing a sacred smoke. Pass your aquamarine through this smoke, envisioning it capturing and dispelling any lingering negativity from the stone.
  • Visualization: Hold your aquamarine in your hands and close your eyes. Picture a radiant white light emanating from your palms, enveloping the crystal entirely. Visualize this light neutralizing and driving away any adverse energies embedded in the aquamarine.
  • Saltwater Soak: Given aquamarine’s affinity with the ocean, a saltwater bath can be an effective cleansing ritual. Prepare a bowl of saltwater, ensuring the salt is fully dissolved, and submerge your aquamarine. Allow it to soak overnight, preferably. The saltwater will draw out impurities and negative energies from the crystal. However, always ensure that your particular piece of aquamarine doesn’t have any components that might be damaged by prolonged exposure to water.

Following the cleansing, you have to charge your aquamarine to rejuvenate its energies:

  • Moonlight Absorption: Aquamarine resonates deeply with the energies of the moon. Find a spot, like a windowsill, where the stone can bathe in moonlight overnight. The lunar rays, especially potent during a new or full moon, will infuse your aquamarine with fresh and vibrant energies.

Zodiac Birthstone

Aquamarine is the birthstone for March, making it especially significant if you are born under the Pisces zodiac sign. As a Pisces, symbolized by the fish, you resonate deeply with water and are known for your generous, emotional and creative spirit.

As someone guided by this sign, you may sometimes feel your emotional currents are powerful and overwhelming. This is where aquamarine’s stabilizing, calming influence can be invaluable. Its link to the throat chakra can also help you as a Pisces find your voice and express yourself clearly amidst life’s ever-changing tides.

While aquamarine is primarily tied to Pisces, its harmonizing energies can benefit other zodiac signs too. If you’re a Gemini, aquamarine is a boon for you. Your lively, curious, joyful essence can lead to an overactive mind at times. Aquamarine serves as a grounding force, like the calm waters of a serene lake, offering you a tranquil space to dip into and cool the fervor of your thoughts, refreshing your mind and spirit.

In addition, Aries and Scorpio can tap into the therapeutic qualities of this light blue gem. Whether it’s your birthstone or not, aquamarine’s inherent energies are there to support and guide you. They help you navigate the complexities of your emotions and thoughts with greater clarity and purpose.

Crystals combinations for Aquamarine

Aquamarine Crystals: Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui (7)

When you explore crystal combinations, the harmony between stones becomes clear. Pairing certain crystals can amplify their individual energies, creating a dynamic synergy that helps manifest specific goals. With its calm ocean-blue tones and serene energy, aquamarine partners exceptionally well with various other stones. Here’s a guide to some powerful combinations you may want to try:

  • Aquamarine and Moonstone: Both these stones are intrinsically connected to the moon and water. When combined, they facilitate a deeper emotional connection and heightened intuition. Combining with Moonstone can assist you in navigating emotional waves and tapping into your subconscious.
  • Aquamarine and Rose Quartz: Aquamarine’s calming energy melds seamlessly with the unconditional love emitted by Rose Quartz. Together, they work wonders in fostering loving communication, healing emotional wounds, and promoting a harmonious bond in relationships.
  • Aquamarine and Clear Quartz: The clarity and amplifying properties of Clear Quartz can bolster the throat chakra energies of Aquamarine. This combination encourages clearer communication and a deeper understanding, making it invaluable for those seeking to articulate their feelings and thoughts.
  • Aquamarine and Citrine: While Aquamarine soothes and calms, Citrine invigorates and empowers. Together, they strike a harmonious balance, infusing you with confidence while ensuring you remain grounded and centered.
  • Aquamarine and Lapis Lazuli: Both stones resonate with the throat and third-eye chakras. Their combined energies can enhance intuitive insights, encourage truthful expression, and foster a deeper spiritual connection.
  • Aquamarine and Amethyst: Together, these stones amplify peace, spiritual awareness, and emotional clarity. This combination can guide you through introspection, helping in the release of negative patterns and encouraging spiritual growth.

Phung Phuong want to note that while these combinations are powerful, the unique resonance you have with each crystal will be the ultimate determinant of its efficacy. Always trust your intuition, and you’ll discover the most harmonious pairings that resonate deeply with your personal energy.

Aquamarine Crystal Price

Aquamarine Crystals: Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui (8)

As you navigate the world of gemstones, you’ll find aquamarine stands out not just for its captivating ocean-reminiscent hue but also for its position in the gem market. This mesmerizing stone belongs to the semi-precious gemstone family, distinguishing itself from the esteemed precious quartet – diamond, ruby, emerald, and sapphire.

However, despite its semi-precious label, this does not necessarily dictate its value compared to its prized counterparts. Remarkably, some rare deep blue aquamarines can command prices surpassing lower-quality diamonds of equivalent size.

When you are looking for cut and polished jewelry-grade aquamarine, expect average pricing around $600 per carat (updated 10/2023). However, prices can fluctuate based on factors like clarity, color depth, and overall quality.

If you want aquamarine for Feng Shui or as a decorative piece, smaller rough or polished variants can cost under $100. Yet for discerning enthusiasts seeking premium specimens, larger rough aquamarines with pronounced blue tones may warrant investing several hundred dollars, especially when sourced from reputable online vendors. In addition, you should also know how to recognize real aquamarine to avoid buying fake and poor quality products.

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Aquamarine Crystals: Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui (2024)
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