Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (2024)

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (1)


4.4 / 5 (48)

Russian model Nastya Kvitko was born in Kaliningrad on 25.11.1994/2011/XNUMX. From an early age, the girl loved to draw and sew, she studied well at school. The girl's favorite hobby in childhood was athletics. At a young age, the girl was called very beautiful, folding, so in her youth there was no end to the gentlemen. Since childhood, many modeling agencies told Nastya to think about a future modeling career, try to lose weight. Nastya barely succeeded, so you could forget about your career. But in XNUMX, the girl was noticed by one photographer Anvar Norov, who looked at her photos in VKontakte. To compile a portfolio, the master invited the girl to take a couple of pictures. These shots quickly spread over the Internet, making Nastya popular all over the world.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (2)
The girl came to Moscow in 2013, lived there for some time. After that, in 2015, she moved to live in Miami. Nastya registered on Instagram in 2013, after which she began to constantly upload her photos to the page. Today the girl lives in the USA. She has been working there since she was invited by the famous fashion brand Kanye West Clothing. Some things are developed by Kanye West, whose wife is Kim Kardashian. It is with her that Anastasia Kvitko is constantly compared. The girl told reporters that she knew the Kim sisters. The girls liked each other and communicate pretty well.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (3)
Career Anastasia Kvitko

Nastya's career began in 2011 after Norov selected her pictures for a professional photo shoot. The figure of the girl really met all the standards of the model. Lush breasts, beautiful buttocks, a thin waist are noted. Norov immediately saw Nastya's merits, offering her to shoot for a professional portfolio. The photos immediately made a splash on the Internet, and the girl was invited as a model to shoot for the photo shoot "Girl of the Day". Further, a photo shoot was organized for the girl for Vkurse. After Nastya moved to Moscow in 2013, her career immediately went up.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (4)

There were many offers for filming in various magazines and websites. One of the most notable was the photo shoot for RHYME Magazine. Her Instagram page became a real breakthrough in her career. Every day she has more and more fans and subscribers. In the winter of 2015, Nastya was offered a job at Kanye West Clothing. Now the girl is photographed for glossy magazines all over the world. Of course, it was not without an offer to lose weight, but the girl did not agree. Her magnificent forms are already considered a real trump card and a trademark of the model.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (5)

Very often there were offers to advertise corrective underwear, as well as corsets of the Colombian brand. In the spring of 2016, the girl managed to show her entire solo show in Miami. Already in 2016, Nastya moved to live and film in Los Angeles. Regarding the figure of the girl, there are rumors that the girl underwent plastic surgery. Some people regard these words as ordinary envy. In many photos at a young age, not too magnificent forms of the model are noticeable. Nastya herself says that she has had such a figure since childhood, success lies in genes, as well as in constant exercises in the gym.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (6)
How does Nastya live and what does she do now

Not only women, but also men look at Anastasia. In a strong half of humanity, the hair stands on end at the mere sight of the figure of a girl. The girl enjoys such success from a young age, literally, from school. Then, at school, the girl was called very beautiful, figured, unusual, charming. She has never been deprived of the attention of guys.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (7)

They helped her carry her backpack home, the boys constantly accompanied her home. In her youth, she met with one guy who inspired her to be self-confident, not to be ashamed of anyone, and, especially, to be proud of her beautiful forms. Nastya listened to the opinion of this guy and began to make progress. She stopped being shy, became liberated. Together with this guy, they left to conquer Moscow.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (8)

Since childhood, the girl dreamed of achieving success, becoming famous and recognizable. As it turned out, the relationship between the two people broke off, unable to stand the test of time. In 2016, Nastya met a successful businessman named Arseniy Sharov. The businessman is the ex-husband of Alena Vodonaeva (a former member of House 2). Since 2016, Nastya and Arseniy have been spending a lot of time together since the couple is dating.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (9)

By the way, Nastya prefers a healthy diet. She does not eat fast food, meat food, and chicken. Most of all, the girl is attracted to be photographed from the back, or to demonstrate her buttocks. Anastasia loves to travel in her free time, travel to different countries, see the sights. She is very pleased with her popularity, demand.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (10)

She loves to look at photos of Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj and other celebrities with a good figure and curvaceous. In 2016, the girl was invited to appear in the video for the song "Ay mi Dios!". This song is very popular in America. Nastya really likes Pitbull's creative style. By the way, in the video, the girl plays the role of a beauty who cheated on her boyfriend. As a result, according to the scenario, the heroine Nastya dies. Nastya is not shy about posting too candid pictures.

Photo by Kvitko without photoshop

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (11)

Nastya very rarely writes posts under her photos. She conveys the essence of her image with the help of photographs. She herself says that there are a lot of girls on the Internet who are filmed in semi-nude and nude, but they don’t like them like her. She also says that the photographs, where she is depicted in shorts and a tank top, have her own idea, an idea. She presents herself as a real lady with sophisticated and graceful forms.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (12)

As for her future career, the girl does not want to interrupt it. On the contrary, Nastya is ready for further development, gradually trampling on the acting field. She knows that she will be very good at playing some roles. She has no desire to study, but she would like to finish acting school.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (13)

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (14)
The girl became popular not only due to her forms, but also her ability to be in demand. She has repeatedly been included in the rating of the sexiest women in Russia, judging by the reviews in Maxim magazine. Photos of Nastya speak for themselves.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (15)
In this photo, Anastasia Kvitko is in a swimsuit. The girl does not hesitate to declare herself as an outstanding model. She herself understands the admiration of people in front of her, since the people are interested in where Nastya has such proportions. Everyone not only admires, they simply tremble in front of the model. Nastya says that she sees the admiration of people, because of this, she has the motivation to move further in the same direction, developing and becoming even more popular. Of course, such self-confidence causes only positive emotions, since not everyone has it.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (16)

Unfortunately, at the moment the girl is not so far advanced, although she managed to win serious fame and fame. At the moment, Nastya is working with several mass-markets of clothing brands, as well as several swimwear companies. She happily shoots for magazines and catalogs. You can judge her attractiveness by looking at her bold images. She demonstrates her figure, showing her dignity and the image as a whole.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (17)

Kvitko said that she got such forms thanks to proper nutrition, as well as long workouts in the gym. Of course, experts dare to say that the girl got such forms as a result of plastic surgery. They say that, most likely, the girl resorted to liposuction of the abdomen, and also did an increase in the buttocks. The fact is that the difference in volume between the booty and the waist can be seen with the naked eye. Experts say that the secret of such popularity of Nastya also lies in the use of Photoshop. There is an opinion that in real life the model does not look so perfect as in the pictures.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (18)
Now Nastya practically does not appear at star parties. Apparently there is no time at all, or he does not want to show his real, real forms. The most interesting thing is that the girl is confident in herself, believing that she will outshine any actress and star, a Hollywood celebrity. In the photos, Nastya looks confident and beautiful.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (19)

Nastya was repeatedly asked a question about her resemblance to Kardashian. To this the girl answered very proudly and boldly. The model does not deny the resemblance to the Kardashians, but says that it is not very noticeable. She claims that Kim has achieved such forms due to plastic surgery, and she has to work for hours in the gym. Nastya did not personally know Kim, but she knows the sisters firsthand. By the way, at one of the parties, the guy of one of the Kardashian sisters showed wild attention to Nastya's person. The girl became somehow uncomfortable from this. But Nastya herself does not deny such stormy attention from men, saying that her form is to blame for everything.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (20)

According to people, Nastya is more like a plastic doll. The girl in the photo on Instagram about 5 years ago was completely different. She was a cute, funny girl, after which she turned into a plastic and photoshop star. After some time, a minimum of clothes could be seen on the girl, but the forms became more and more round.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (21)

I would like to say that we live in the most amazing time, when many ugly women turn out to be incredible beauties using standard Photoshop. At the same time, millions of men around the world will admire this beauty. At the same time, the girl does not have to sit in the gym for hours to pump up her ass and buttocks, she does not need to visit cosmetologists, to carry out expensive cosmetic procedures. With the help of special computer programs, it is now possible to increase something, and something to reduce, lengthen. But on top of everything else, this allows some girls not only to be beautiful, but to become popular, earn good money. A striking example of such a reincarnation was Nastya Kvitko.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (22)

For example, on Instagram she has millions of subscribers, among whom are mostly men. Many fans admire her beauty, while others believe that the girl is not famous for anything, except for offering her erotic photos. It is these photographs that arouse great interest in men, attracting them to the model. Anastasia's favorite genre is Belfi. She loves to show the angle of her butt very favorably. This direction of photography is the most trendy for today. I would like to note that many people consider these photos of Nastya Kvitko in a swimsuit to be a real blasphemy, since her figure is not perfect.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (23)

The girl never hid her forms, causing appetite in a larger number of the male population. Nastya loves herself very much, does not doubt her beauty, considering herself sexy and bright. One of the pictures really shows cellulite. But the most important thing is that Nastya lives for herself, enjoying every day, admiring herself and giving pleasure to men on our planet.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (24)
The impressive chest of the model also does not allow men to live in peace. By the way, before the operation, she looked calm, harmonious. On a slender body, the former chest of the third size looked very beautiful. What can you do for fame? Many say that Nastya, after surgery to increase her hips and breasts, began to look like a balloon, which was pinched in the middle with a thread. It became noticeable how enlarged breasts, inflated buttocks strive to jump out of beautiful underwear.

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (25)

A flurry of feelings among subscribers was caused by photos of the model without underwear. It would not be superfluous to note the enlarged lips of the girl. The fashion for such changes ended a few years ago. It has become noticeable that the lips have greatly increased, but their shape is still relevant. In some photos, Nastya's mouth looks a little swollen. This only says that the girl sometimes repeats lip augmentation procedures. In general, Nastya looks impressive, despite all the artificial innovations in her appearance. However, it is not for us to judge whether it is possible or not to violate the natural beauty, but it is time for Nastya to think about what lies ahead for her, about her future life, in which, perhaps, something else will change.

Inna Alexandrova

Tags: Anastasia Kvitko, girls with big butts, girls with wide hips, Best Girls of the Year

Anastasia Kvitko photo without photoshop before and after plastic surgery: biography, parameters, in a swimsuit and lingerie - 2020 (2024)
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